BBC Sound Effects Library, Volume 12: British Birds

CD 1
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Blackbird (Turdus Merula) With Quiet Town Garden, Dawn Chorus and Occasional Distant Car (Bristol 1981-7-4) 0:00
2 Blackcap (Sylvia Atricapilla) Hertfordshire 1981-6-10 0:00
3 Chaffinch (Fringilla Coelebs) (Rec. Devon 1981-5-6 May) 0:00
4 Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus Collybita) With Distant Bullfinch, Wren and Sheep on Slightly Windy Day (Devon 1981-5-6) 0:00
5 Common Gulls (Larus Canus) Calls of 10 Pairs at Breeding Colony, With Lapping Water (Scotland) 0:00
6 Housemartin (Delichon Urbica) Female Calling at Nest Entrance (Avon 1981-7-12) 0:00
7 Lapwing (Vanellus Vanellus) Female Ground Anxiety Call, With Distant Aeroplane, Dorset 1981-4-23 0:00
8 Linnet (Acanthis Cannabina) (Wiltshire May 83) 0:00
9 Nightingale (Luscinia Megarhynchos) (New Castle, Spain 1983-5-18) 0:00
10 Tawny Owl (Strix Aluco) Hunting Calls With Chorus of Dark Bush-Crickets (Dorset 1977-8-30) 0:00
11 Oystercatcher (Haematopus Ostralegus) Calls With Skylark and Heavy Sea in Background (Dyfed, Wales 1980-5-20) 0:00
12 Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus Scirpaceus) Song of Unmated Male With Very Distant Cows (S. Avon 1984-8-26) 0:00
13 Ring Ouzel (Turdus Torquatus) Song, With Song of Second Bird, Red Grouse and Cuckoo in Background (Dartmoor, Devon 1983-6-19) 0:00
14 Robin (Erithacus Rubecula) With Distant Sheep (Devon 1981-5-7) 0:00
15 Nests of Rookery, With Nestlings (Dorset 1981-4-22) 0:00
16 Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus Schoenobaenus) (Gloucestershire 1980-5-19) 0:00
17 Skylark, Song Flight, With Occasional Gusts of Wind (Devon 1981-5-6) 0:00
18 Stonechat (Saxicola Torquata) Song With Chaffinch and Skylarks in Background (New Forest, Hants 1982-6-2) 0:00
19 Coal Tits (Parusater) Two Pairs Displaying to Each Other on Territorial Boundary. (Spain 1982-5-13) 0:00
20 Wheatear (Oenanthe Oenanthe) Song With Sheep, Cuckoo and Willow Warbler in Background (Dartmoor, Devon 1983-5-22) 0:00
21 Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus Trochilus) Song With Distant Cuckoo (Gloucestershire 1980-5-19) 0:00
22 Whitethroat (Sylvia Communis) Song, With Willow Warbler (Wiltshire 1981-5-14) 0:00
23 Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia Curruca) (Avon 1980-5-14) 0:00
24 Wren (Troglodytes Troglodytes) (Devon 1981-5-28) 0:00
25 Cockerel (Domestic Fowl) 2 Cocks Crowing Alternately (2nd Cock From a Distance) (Shropshire June 84) 0:00
Total time 0:00

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BBC Sound Effects Library
, United Kingdom, English, CD

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