16 Volt
American Porn Songs Remixed

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Ohn - Alkali Mirror 4:37
2 Cyanotic - Somebody to Hate: Hate Hegal 3:24
3 Skold - American Porn Songs 4:46
4 Detective Fingerling - Become Your None 3:53
5 Villainous Vortex - Useless People 4:25
6 Left Spine Down - Alkali LSD 7:17
7 Bryan Black - American Porn Song Black 2:53
8 Bradley Templin - To Hell: Heroin Jazz 4:17
9 Evan Roberts - Blackbird the Gunnery 3:22
10 Scott Robinson - It All Turns Bad: Drone 4:15
11 Christopher Lombardo - Become Your None 5:51
12 Sindaddy - Enjoy the Pain: Novus Anesthetic 3:49
13 Everthing Goes Cold - Alkali Cold 3:30
14 Alexandra Villommet - Can You Find God? Torsion / Solex 3:09
15 Attitute, The - Enjoy the Pain: Orko13 3:16
16 Angel Bartolotta - American Porn Song: Team Cybergeist 4:07
17 SMP vs. Stiff Valentine - Become Your None 9:36
18 American Bomb Song - It All Turns Bad 5:54
Total time 76:19