Alan Cuckston, Harpsichord
Couperin - Pieces de Clavecin Book 2

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Les Moissonneurs - The Harvesters 2:10
2 Les Languers -tendres - The Tender Languishing 3:49
3 Les Gazouillement - Warbling 2:11
4 La Bersan 3:06
5 Les Baricades Misterieuses - The Mysterious Barricades 2:23
6 Les Bergeries, Rondeau - The Shepherdess Curls 4:20
7 La Commere - The Gossip 2:22
8 Le Moucherson - The Gnat 2:14
9 Onzieme Ordre - Eleventh Suite La Castelape 3:42
10 L' etincelante ou La Bonetems - The Sparkling One or La Bomtems 2:11
11 Les Grace- Natureles, Suite de lat Bontems - Natural Graces (La 3:55
12 La Zenobie - Zenobia 3:36
13 Premier Acte - The Annals of the Grant and Ancient Company of Mi... 1:21
14 Second Acte - Fiddlers and Beggars 2:27
15 Third Act - Jugglers, Acrobats and Showmen - with Bears and Monk... 1:11
16 Fourth act - Invalids or People wounded in the service of the Gr... 2:31
17 Fifth act - Confusion and Rout of the Whole Troupe caused by the... 2:48
18 Eight Suite Raphael 6:04
19 Allemande, L'Ausoniere - Allemand - The Ausonian 2:52
20 Courante 2:04
21 Deuxieme Courante 2:36
22 Sarabande l'Unique 3:13
23 Gavotte 1:33
24 Rondeau 1:52
25 Gigue 2:19
26 Passacaille - Passacaglia 8:39
27 La Morinete 1:21
Total time 77:09