Amy Goodman
Breaking the Sound Barrier CD5
audio book

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 5.1 Elections 0:07
2 Millions without a voice 4:08
3 As goes Vermont 3:24
4 Who's paying for the Conventions? 4:28
5 The Party Police 5:10
6 Open the Debates 4:16
7 Who gets to vote? 4:41
8 Election Protection 4:43
9 5.2 Obama 0:07
10 Obama strikes a Chord with a disaffected Republican 4:42
11 It's not the man it's the Movement 4:38
12 Change big Donors can believe in 4:31
13 Organizer in Chief 4:47
14 President Obama can redeem the White House 3:51
15 A long Train ride 10:40
16 Free Speech vs. Surveillance in the Digital Age 6:10
Total time 64:06