Apollo 11
Apollo 11 (Disc One)

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Liftoff 16:12
2 Go for earth orbit 0:28
3 Go for TLI 0:15
4 TLI Ignition 1:20
5 First crew conversation following docking 0:09
6 Earth from 130000 miles 4:21
7 Buzz Aldrin climbs into the LM 0:56
8 Go for LOI 0:20
9 Last contact before LOS 0:30
10 AOS and LOI burn report 1:06
11 TV transmission from lunar orbit 2:21
12 AOS following seperation 0:16
13 AOS following first LM descent stage firing 1:06
14 GO for PDI 2:07
15 Final approach and landing 4:29
16 Landing of eagle on lunar surface 10:17
17 The landing from on board the Eagle 3:01
18 Armstrong's first description of tanquility base 1:08
19 Armstrong makes history 3:40
20 Armstrong sets foot 1:40
21 Armstrong reads the inscription 3:15
22 Nixon talks to Armstrong and Aldrin 2:34
Total time 58:47