Benjamin Britten
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo, W...

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Sonnet VI: Oh my black Soule! 3:41
2 Sonnet XIV: Batter my heart 1:16
3 Sonnet III: O might those sighes and teares 3:01
4 Sonnet XIX: Oh, vex to me 1:03
5 Sonnet XIII: What if this present 2:47
6 Sonnet XVII: Since she whom I lov'd 3:43
7 Sonnet VII: At the round Earth's imagin'd corners 2:45
8 Sonnet I: Thou hast made me 1:23
9 Sonnet X: Death, be not proud 3:55
10 Sonetto XVI: Si come nella penna e nell' inchiostro 2:07
11 Sonetto XXXI: A che piu debbio mai l'intensa vogila 1:27
12 Sonetto XXX: Veggio co' bei vostri occhi un dolce lume 3:18
13 Sonetto LV: Tu sa'ch'io, signior mie, che tu sai 1:50
14 Sonetto XXXVIII: Rendete a gli occhi miei, o fonte o fiume 2:03
15 Sonetto XXXII: S'un casto amor, s una pieta superna 1:20
16 Sonetto XXIV: Spirto ben nato, in cui si specchia e vede 4:46
17 At Day-close in November 1:46
18 Midnight on the Great Western 4:46
19 Wagtail and Baby 2:06
20 The Little Old Table 1:18
21 The Choirmasters' Burial 3:59
22 Proud Songsters 1:07
23 At the Railway Station, Upway 2:39
24 Before Life and After 3:03
25 If it's ever Spring Again 5:38
26 The children and Sire Namesless 2:48
Total time 66:37