Concert Choir and Chamber Singers
U of I Concert Choir - Fall 2003 Concert

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Howells Requiem - I 2:21
2 Howells Requiem - II 2:48
3 Howells Requiem - III 3:28
4 Howells Requiem - IV 2:36
5 Howells Requiem - V 3:30
6 Howells Requiem - VI 4:44
7 Western wind, when willst thou blow? 1:52
8 Hey nonni no 1:38
9 When blood so red for thee was shed 3:38
10 Weep you no more sad fountains 2:09
11 Crabbed age and youth cannot live together 2:16
12 All creatures now are merry minded 2:38
13 When once the sun sinks in the west 2:45
14 It was a lover and his lass 3:47
15 Leonardo dreams of his flying machine (Whitacre) 10:26
16 Death shall not destroy my comfort 3:09
17 Amazing Grace 17:17
18 Hark I hear the harps eternal (American folksong) and encore Leo... 13:07
Total time 70:55