Danny Dreyer
Chi Walking

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Introduction 0:32
2 How to use these practices 5:44
3 Body looseners 11:34
4 Starter walk 9:07
5 Introduction to the calming walk 2:02
6 55 BPM cadence 0:41
7 Guided practice: The calming walk 8:10
8 Introduction to the focusing walk 0:51
9 60 BPM cadence 0:29
10 Guided practice: The focusing walk 7:31
11 Introduction to the aerobic walk 2:31
12 65 BPM cadence 0:34
13 Guided practice: The aerobic walk 6:19
14 Introduction to the cardio walk 5:58
15 Warm up 3:25
16 Sit up in your chair 1:55
17 Swing your arms to the rear 2:00
18 Rotate your pelvis 1:57
19 Sweep your legs back 7:02
20 Cool down and review 5:11
Total time 78:14