Ervin Litkei, american all-star band
march, america, march - great american marches

national folk

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 american war veterans march 2:19
2 president ronald reagan march 3:04
3 president franklin d roosevelt march 2:07
4 nancy (and the cherry tree) 2:40
5 president dwight d eisenhower march 2:26
6 president john f kennedy march 2:18
7 bi - centennial march 2:14
8 president harry s truman march 2:10
9 the captured fifty 2:44
10 president jimmy carter march 2:23
11 president richard m nixon march 1:54
12 a salute to the first lady march 2:41
13 president gerald r ford march 2:19
14 president lyndon b johnson march 2:07
15 president george busch march 5:08
16 president bill clinton march 2:56
Total time 38:28