John Carlo Dwyer
X-Factor 1

Digital Media 1
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Gothic Fury 1:05
2 Unleashed 1:02
3 Lethal Chase 1:02
4 Rescue Dawn 1:06
5 Transformers 1:04
6 Legion Heroes 1:12
7 Meltdown 1:15
8 Age of Empires 1:06
9 Vendetta 1:06
10 High Rise 1:06
11 Hell Riser 0:31
12 Kingpin 0:39
13 Future Phantom 0:33
14 Smackdown 0:33
15 Mototrax 0:34
16 Crank Zone 0:31
17 Maximum Overdrive 0:33
18 Black Bandit 0:34
19 Game On 0:34
20 Vice City 0:32
21 Surfing the Web 0:32
22 Flash Blaster 0:34
23 X-Ccelerator 0:34
24 Psychotek 0:32
25 Grind House 0:34
26 Ultimatum 0:36
27 Escape Zone 0:33
28 Electro Blade 0:34
29 Hellboy 0:34
30 Sonic Assault 0:34
31 Edge of Terror 0:33
32 Evil Island 0:32
33 Twisted Metal 0:31
34 Stealth Unit 0:33
35 Hidden Temple 0:32
36 Bio-Shock 0:34
37 Warrior Gods 0:32
38 Adrenaline Racer 0:33
39 Timeline 0:35
40 Tribal Trek 0:34
41 Gothic Fury 1:05
42 Gothic Fury 0:18
43 Unleashed 1:02
44 Unleashed 0:19
45 Lethal Chase 1:02
46 Lethal Chase 0:23
47 Rescue Dawn 1:06
48 Rescue Dawn 0:30
49 Transformers 1:04
50 Transformers 0:10
51 Legion Heroes 1:12
52 Legion Heroes 0:17
53 Meltdown 1:15
54 Meltdown 0:24
55 Age of Empires 1:06
56 Age of Empires 0:19
57 Vendetta 1:06
58 Vendetta 0:25
59 High Rise 1:06
60 High Rise 0:28
61 Hell Riser 0:31
62 Hell Riser 0:16
63 Kingpin 0:39
64 Kingpin 0:15
65 Future Phantom 0:33
66 Future Phantom 0:16
67 Smackdown 0:33
68 Smackdown 0:31
69 Mototrax 0:34
70 Mototrax 0:24
71 Crank Zone 0:31
72 Crank Zone 0:14
73 Maximum Overdrive 0:33
74 Maximum Overdrive 0:11
75 Black Bandit 0:34
76 Black Bandit 0:15
77 Game On 0:34
78 Game On 0:17
79 Vice City 0:32
80 Vice City 0:17
81 Surfing the Web 0:32
82 Surfing the Web 0:29
83 Flash Blaster 0:34
84 Flash Blaster 0:31
85 X-Ccelerator 0:34
86 X-Ccelerator 0:32
87 Psychotek 0:32
88 Psychotek 0:24
89 Grind House 0:34
90 Grind House 0:23
91 Ultimatum 0:36
92 Ultimatum 0:34
93 Escape Zone 0:33
94 Escape Zone 0:19
95 Electro Blade 0:34
96 Electro Blade 0:29
97 Hellboy 0:34
98 Hellboy 0:31
99 Sonic Assault 0:34
100 Sonic Assault 0:17
101 Edge of Terror 0:33
102 Edge of Terror 0:32
103 Evil Island 0:32
104 Evil Island 0:27
105 Twisted Metal 0:31
106 Twisted Metal 0:16
107 Stealth Unit 0:33
108 Stealth Unit 0:24
109 Hidden Temple 0:32
110 Hidden Temple 0:32
111 Bio-Shock 0:34
112 Bio-Shock 0:31
113 Warrior Gods 0:32
114 Warrior Gods 0:23
115 Adrenaline Racer 0:33
116 Adrenaline Racer 0:31
117 Timeline 0:35
118 Timeline 0:16
119 Tribal Trek 0:34
120 Tribal Trek 0:17
Total time 70:35

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Megatrax Production Music, Inc.
, United States, English, Digital Media

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