Laurence Rosenthal
Clash of the Titans (1981)
film scores

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Prologue and Main Title (Original Version) 4:03
2 Olympus (Chorus) 2:36
3 Argos Is Doomed 1:49
4 Argos Destroyed 2:30
5 Boyhood of Perseus 3:07
6 Zeus's Judgment (Chorus) 1:01
7 Transformation of Calibos 1:01
8 Dreams and Omens 2:04
9 Zeus Commands the Gifts (Chorus) 1:27
10 Magic Weapons 1:07
11 Fulfill Your Destiny (Chorus) 1:11
12 Invisible/Joppa 2:52
13 Andromeda 4:24
14 Pegasus/To the Marsh 6:35
15 The Lord of the Marsh 3:58
16 The Fight In the Swamp/Fanfare 1:06
17 Curse Ended/The Dancing Girl 4:30
18 Justice Or Revenge/The Lovers 2:31
Total time 45:15