Living Language
Genki II: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese

CD 1
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Introduction 0:38
2 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Dialogue 4:36
3 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Vocabulary 5:03
4 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice I "日本語が話せます" A 2:18
5 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice I "日本語が話せます" B 2:15
6 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice I "日本語が話せます" E 1:33
7 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice II "物価が高いし、人がたくさんいるし" A 3:08
8 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice III "おいしそうです" A 3:10
9 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice III "おいしそうです" B 3:08
10 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice IV "着てみます" A 1:43
11 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice V "紅茶なら飲みました" A 2:03
12 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Practice VI "一か月に一回床屋に行きます" A 1:46
13 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Listening Comprehension A 1:33
14 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Listening Comprehension B 1:15
15 Lesson 13 "Looking for a Part-time Job": Listening Comprehension C 1:25
16 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Dialogue 4:24
17 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Vocabulary 4:28
18 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice I "車がほしいです" A 1:16
19 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice I "車がほしいです" B 1:21
20 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice II "あの人は学生かもしれません" A 3:22
21 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice III "きょうこさんはトマさんにセーターをあげました" A 1:09
22 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice III "きょうこさんはトマさんにセーターをあげました" C 2:25
23 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice IV "家に帰ったらどうですか" A 1:34
24 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice V "四時間も勉強しました" A 1:52
25 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Practice V "四時間も勉強しました" B 2:31
26 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Listening Comprehension A 0:56
27 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Listening Comprehension B 2:03
28 Lesson 14 "Valentine's Day": Listening Comprehension C 0:44
Total time 63:39
CD 2
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Dialogue 4:45
2 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Vocabulary 3:47
3 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Practice I "コーヒーを飲もうか" A 2:04
4 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Practice II "勉強しようと思っています" A 1:56
5 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Practice III "お金が借りておきます" A 2:15
6 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Practice IV "京都で買った時計" A 1:30
7 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Practice IV "京都で買った時計" B 1:48
8 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Listening Comprehension A 0:52
9 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Listening Comprehension B 0:57
10 Lesson 15 "A Trip to Nagano": Listening Comprehension C 1:16
11 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Dialogue 4:18
12 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Vocabulary 3:41
13 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice I "紹介してあげます" A 2:05
14 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice I "紹介してあげます" C 5:44
15 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice II "ゆっくり話していただけませんか" A 2:44
16 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice III "よくなるといいですね" A 1:59
17 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice IV "かぜをひうた時、病院に行きます" A 1:49
18 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice IV "かぜをひうた時、病院に行きます" B 2:31
19 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Practice V "来られなくてすみませんでした" A 2:05
20 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Listening Comprehension A 1:05
21 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Listening Comprehension B 1:23
22 Lesson 16 "Lost and Found": Listening Comprehension C 1:00
Total time 51:34
CD 3
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Dialogue 5:17
2 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Vocabulary 4:05
3 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice I "CDを買ったそうです" A 2:52
4 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice II "今週は忙しいって" A 1:46
5 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice III "お金があったら、うれしいです" A 2:37
6 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice IV "勉強しなくてもいいです" A 2:17
7 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice V "スーパーマンみたいですね" A 2:02
8 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice VI "日本に来てから日本語を勉強しました" A 1:49
9 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Practice VI "日本に来てから日本語を勉強しました" B 1:48
10 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Listening Comprehension A 0:59
11 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Listening Comprehension B 0:34
12 Lesson 17 "Grumble and Gossip": Listening Comprehension C 1:06
13 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Dialogue 4:57
14 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Vocabulary 4:09
15 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice I "窓が開いています" A 3:16
16 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice I "窓が開いています" B 1:38
17 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice II "昼ご飯を食べてしまいました" A 1:22
18 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice II "昼ご飯を食べてしまいました" B 2:26
19 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice III "春になると暖かくなります" A 1:57
20 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice IV "テレビを見ながら勉強します" A 1:53
21 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice V "もっと勉強すればよかったです" A 2:10
22 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Practice V "もっと勉強すればよかったです" B 1:46
23 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Listening Comprehension A 1:00
24 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Listening Comprehension B 0:58
25 Lesson 18 "John's Part-time Job": Listening Comprehension C 0:57
Total time 55:41
CD 4
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Dialogue 4:26
2 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Vocabulary 4:36
3 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Practice I "コーヒーを召し上がります" A 3:39
4 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Practice I "コーヒーを召し上がります" B 2:07
5 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Practice I "コーヒーを召し上がります" C 4:39
6 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Practice III "悩みを聞いてくれてありがとう" A 2:48
7 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Practice IV "日本に来てよかったです" A 2:44
8 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Practice V "頭がいいはずです" A 3:11
9 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Listening Comprehension A 1:40
10 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Listening Comprehension B 1:13
11 Lesson 19 "Meeting the Boss": Listening Comprehension C 1:09
12 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Dialogue 5:44
13 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Vocabulary 4:29
14 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice I "田中と申します" A 1:40
15 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice II "お持ちします" A 1:44
16 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice II "お持ちします" B 1:11
17 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice III "ひげをそらないで大学に行きます" A 2:32
18 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice IV "アメリカ人かどうかわかりません" A 3:22
19 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice IV "アメリカ人かどうかわかりません" B 1:50
20 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice V "ローソンというコンビニ" A 1:11
21 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Practice VI "覚えやすいです" A 2:16
22 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Listening Comprehension A 1:26
23 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Listening Comprehension B 1:18
24 Lesson 20 "Mary's Shopping": Listening Comprehension C 1:10
Total time 62:05
CD 5
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Dialogue 5:02
2 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Vocabulary 4:55
3 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice I "ルームメートに日記を読まれました" A 2:39
4 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice I "ルームメートに日記を読まれました" B 2:41
5 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice II "写真が置いてあります" A 1:22
6 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice II "写真が置いてあります" B 1:21
7 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice III "社長が寝ている間に起きます" A 1:57
8 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice IV "公園を多くします" A 1:29
9 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Practice V "たばこをやめてほしいです" A 2:34
10 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Listening Comprehension A 1:10
11 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Listening Comprehension B 1:04
12 Lesson 21 "Burglar": Listening Comprehension C 1:05
13 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Dialogue 6:19
14 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Vocabulary 4:42
15 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice I "服を洗わせます" A 2:22
16 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice I "服を洗わせます" B 3:33
17 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice II "大学に行かせてくれました" A 3:29
18 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice II "大学に行かせてくれました" D 1:45
19 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice III "掃除をしなさい" A 1:18
20 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice IV "薬を飲めば、元気になります" A 1:43
21 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice IV "薬を飲めば、元気になります" B 1:53
22 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Practice V "ゆうべ寝たのに、眠いんです" A 2:17
23 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Listening Comprehension A 1:10
24 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Listening Comprehension B 1:23
25 Lesson 22 "Education in Japan": Listening Comprehension C 1:19
Total time 60:32
CD 6
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Dialogue 5:40
2 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Vocabulary 3:43
3 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice I "買い物に行かされました" A 2:13
4 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice I "買い物に行かされました" B 3:05
5 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice II "学生がうるさくても、怒りません" A 3:32
6 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice II "学生がうるさくても、怒りません" B 2:51
7 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice III "日本語の勉強を続けることにしました" A 2:06
8 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice IV "毎日日本語のテープを聞くことにしています" A 2:36
9 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice V "大学を卒業するまで日本にいるつもりです" A 2:15
10 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Practice VI "コンピューターの使い方を教えてくれませんか" A 2:26
11 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Listening Comprehension A 1:30
12 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Listening Comprehension B 1:29
13 Lesson 23 "Good-bye": Listening Comprehension C 0:54
Total time 34:20

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The Japan Times 9784789009874
1999, Japan, [Multiple languages], 6×CD

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