Maria Bethania
The definitive collection
bossa nova

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Sonho meu (My dream) 2:53
2 Explode ccoracao (My heart bursts) 2:08
3 Grito de alerta (Warning cry) 3:00
4 Reconvexo (Re shaping) 4:29
5 Olhos nos olhos (Eye to eye) 4:40
6 Linda flor (Beautiful flower) 3:53
7 Esse cara (This guy) 3:01
8 Comecaria tuda outra vez (I'd start all over again) 2:18
9 Ela e eu (She and I) 2:24
10 Labios de mel (Lips of honey) 2:50
11 Ronda (Prowl) 2:08
12 Loucura (Madness) 2:44
13 O leaozinho (Oh little lion) 3:15
14 O meu amor (Oh my love) 3:15
15 Terezinha (Little Teresa) 2:50
16 Detalhes (Details) 5:08
17 Alibi 3:38
18 Um jeito estupido de te amar (A silly way of loving) 2:37
19 Negue (Negate me) 4:00
20 Cheiro de amor (The smell of love) 2:23
21 Mel (Honey) 7:37
22 As cancoes que voce fez pra mim (The songs you wrote for me) 3:47
Total time 71:03