Mieczyslaw Weinberg
Symphony No. 8, Op. 83, "Tveti Pol'shi", "Kwiaty ...

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 I. Podmuch wiosny (Gust of Spring) 3:55
2 II. Baluckie dzieci (Children of Baluty) 4:02
3 III. Przed stara chata (In Front of the Old Hut) 3:59
4 IV. Byl sad (There was an Orchard) 5:13
5 V. Bez (Elderberry) 3:16
6 VI. Lekcja (Lesson) 7:34
7 VII. Warszawskie psy (Warsaw Dogs) 5:45
8 VIII. Matka (Mother) 6:24
9 IX. Sprawiedliwosc (Justice) 18:24
10 X. Wisla plynie (The Vistula flows) 12:10
Total time 58:31