Purcell Edition II (feat. John Eliot Gardiner)

CD 1
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 The Indian Queen, First Music - First Air 1:19
2 The Indian Queen, First Music - Second Air 1:08
3 The Indian Queen, Second Music - First Hornpipe 0:54
4 The Indian Queen, Second Music - Second Hornpipe 1:23
5 The Indian Queen, Overture - Adagio 1:44
6 The Indian Queen, Overture - Allegro 1:53
7 The Indian Queen, Trumpet Tune 0:46
8 The Indian Queen, Prologue, Wake, Quivera 2:14
9 The Indian Queen, Prologue, Why should men quarrel here 1:29
10 The Indian Queen, Prologue, By ancient prophecies we have been told 4:29
11 The Indian Queen, Prologue, Trumpet Tune - reprise 0:47
12 The Indian Queen, Act II, Symphony, Canzona 2:08
13 The Indian Queen, Act II, Symphony, Adagio 1:52
14 The Indian Queen, Act II, Symphony, Allegro 0:57
15 The Indian Queen, Act II, I come to sing great Zempoalla's story 0:56
16 The Indian Queen, Act II, What flatt'ring noise is this 0:42
17 The Indian Queen, Act II, Scorn'd Envy, here's nothing that thou canst blast 1:03
18 The Indian Queen, Act II, I fly from the place where flattery reigns 1:07
19 The Indian Queen, Act II, Begone, curst fiends of Hell 0:41
20 The Indian Queen, Prelude - I come to sing great Zempoalla's story 1:26
21 The Indian Queen, Act III, Air 0:41
22 The Indian Queen, Act III, Minuet 1:31
23 The Indian Queen, Act III, Ye twice ten hundred deities 5:29
24 The Indian Queen, Act III, Symphony for hautboys 1:05
25 The Indian Queen, Act III, Seek not to know what must not be reveal'd 2:53
26 The Indian Queen, Act III, Trumpet Overture 2:59
27 The Indian Queen, Act III, Ah! how happy are we! 2:33
28 The Indian Queen, Act III, We the spirits of the air 1:30
29 The Indian Queen, Act III, I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain 1:47
30 The Indian Queen, Act III, We the spirits of the air - reprise 1:17
31 The Indian Queen, Act III, Third Act Tune 1:57
32 The Indian Queen, Act IV, They tell us that your mighty powers 3:36
33 The Indian Queen, Act V, While thus we bow before your shrine 6:21
Total time 62:39
CD 2
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 The Tempest, Overture 4:10
2 The Tempest, Act II, Where does the black fiend Ambition reside? 2:07
3 The Tempest, Act II, Around, around we pace, around this accursed place 1:38
4 The Tempest, Act II, Arise, arise, ye subteranean winds 3:02
5 The Tempest, Act II, Dance of Winds 1:21
6 The Tempest, Act III, Come unto these yellow sands ... Hark! hark! the watchdogs bark 1:25
7 The Tempest, Act III, Full fathom five thy father lies 2:12
8 The Tempest, Act III, Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing 6:09
9 The Tempest, Act III, Kind fortune smiles 1:07
10 The Tempest, Act IV, Dance of Devils 0:28
11 The Tempest, Act IV, The sailors' dance 1:09
12 The Tempest, Act IV, Dear pretty youth unveil those eyes 2:08
13 The Tempest, Act V, Great Neptune! now no more let Aeolus enrage the sea 4:05
14 The Tempest, Act V, The Nereids and Tritons shall sing and shall play 1:54
15 The Tempest, Act V, Aeolus, you must apprear,my great commands to hear ... While these pass o'er the deep, your stormy winds must cease 3:14
16 The Tempest, Act V, Your awful voice I hear and I obey ... Come down, my blusterers, swell no more 4:22
17 The Tempest, Act V, Halcyon days, now wars are ending, you shal find wheree'er you sail 6:30
18 The Tempest, Act V, See, see, the heavens smile 4:56
19 The Tempest, Act V, No stars again shall hurt you from above 5:35
20 The Married Beau, Overture 2:42
21 Abdelazer, or the Moor's Revenge, Rondeau 1:34
Total time 61:50
CD 3
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Timon of Athens, Overture 2:41
2 Timon of Athens, A symphony of Pipes imitating the chirping of Birds, Hark, how the songsters of the grove sing 1:41
3 Timon of Athens, Love in their little veins inspires their cheerful notes 1:23
4 Timon of Athens, But ah! how much are our delights more dear 1:12
5 Timon of Athens, Hence with your trifling deity! 2:33
6 Timon of Athens, Come all, come all to me, make haste 1:12
7 Timon of Athens, Who can resist such mighty charms? 1:34
8 Timon of Athens, Return, revolting rebels! Where d'ye go? 1:47
9 Timon of Athens, The cares of lovers, their alarms, their sighs, their tears 1:38
10 Timon of Athens, Love quickly is pall'd, tho' with labour, 'tis gain'd 1:04
11 Timon of Athens, Come, let us agree, there are pleasures divine 1:57
12 Timon of Athens, Curtain Tune 2:26
13 Dioclesian, First Music 2:13
14 Dioclesian, Second Music 1:26
15 Dioclesian, Overture 4:16
16 Dioclesian, Act I, First Act Tune: Hornpipe 0:42
17 Dioclesian, Act II, Great Diocles the Boar has kill'd 2:16
18 Dioclesian, Act II, Charon, the peaceful Shade invites - Symphony - Let all mankind the pleasure share 4:25
19 Dioclesian, Act II, Let the soldiers rejoice 1:53
20 Dioclesian, Act II, Ritornello - To Mars let 'em raise - Ritornello 2:33
21 Dioclesian, Act II, A Symphony of flutes in the air - Since the toils and the hazards of war ... Let the priests with processions ... All sing Diocles' glory 5:11
22 Dioclesian, Act II, Dance of Furies 3:22
23 Dioclesian, Act II, Second Act Tune 0:40
24 Dioclesian, Act III, Chaconne (Two in one upon a Ground) 2:38
Total time 52:45
CD 4
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Dioclesian, Act III, When I first saw the bright Aurelia's eyes 2:28
2 Dioclesian, Act III, The Chair Dance 1:20
3 Dioclesian, Act III, What shall I do to show how much I love her? 5:24
4 Dioclesian, Act III, Third Act Tune 0:39
5 Dioclesian, Act IV, Butterfly Dance 2:11
6 Dioclesian, Act IV, Trumpet Tune 0:33
7 Dioclesian, Act IV, Sound, Fame, thy brazen trumpet sound! 5:20
8 Dioclesian, Act IV, Fourth Act Tune 0:36
9 Dioclesian, Act V, Country Dance 0:55
10 Dioclesian, Act V, Prelude - Call the Nymphs and the Fawns from the woods 2:35
11 Dioclesian, Act V, Come, come away, no delay 1:04
12 Dioclesian, Act V, Prelude - Behold, O mightiest of Gods 3:60
13 Dioclesian, Act V, Ah! the sweet delights of love! 1:51
14 Dioclesian, Act V, Let monarchs fight for power and for fame 2:18
15 Dioclesian, Act V, Since from my dear Astrea's sight I was so rudely torn 2:45
16 Dioclesian, Act V, Make room, make room - Dance of Bachanals 4:07
17 Dioclesian, Act V, Still I'm wishing, still desiring 5:09
18 Dioclesian, Act V, Canaries - Tell me why my charming fair 6:11
19 Dioclesian, Act V, Dance 1:01
20 Dioclesian, Act V, All our days and our nights shall be spent in delights 4:38
21 Dioclesian, Act V, Dance - Triumph, triumph victorious Love 5:02
22 Music for a while, from Oedipus 3:20
23 Ah! How sweet it is to love, from Tyranic Love or The Royal Martyr 2:51
24 If music be the food of love 3:51
Total time 70:06

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Warner Classics
2009, United Kingdom, English, 4×CD

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