101 Digital Sound Effects: Sounds of Nature

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Many Birds Chirping - Crickets or June Bugs - Forest Atmosphere 0:50
2 Several Birds Chirping - Residential Atmosphere 0:50
3 Several Birds Chirping - A Rural or Country Atmosphere 0:50
4 Rural or Country Atmosphere at Night 0:50
5 Birds Chirping and Singing - Waterfall in Background - Forest Atmosphere 0:50
6 Many Birds Chirping and Singing - Forest Atmosphere 0:50
7 Many Birds Chirping and Singing - Very Quiet Atmosphere 0:50
8 Whippoorwill Singing - Crickets in Background 0:50
9 Crow Cawing - Other Birds in Faint Distance 0:37
10 Bird Wings Flapping 0:25
11 Outdoor Atmosphere 0:44
12 Cat Meowing 0:28
13 Cat Purring 0:29
14 Kittens Meowing 0:36
15 Dog Barking 0:19
16 Dog Whining 0:34
17 Puppy Whining 0:26
18 Farm Ambiance - Roosters - Cows - Birds in Background 0:50
19 Rooster Crowing - Country Ambiance 0:29
20 Horse Whinny 0:08
21 Horse Snort 0:05
22 Horse Galloping 0:14
23 Donkeys Braying - Farm Ambiance 0:33
24 Sheep and Lambs Basing - Barn Atmosphere 0:18
25 Herd of Sheep 0:50
26 Goat 0:31
27 Peacock 0:09
28 Chicken Clucking 0:07
29 Baby Chicks Crying and Flapping About - Hens and Roosters in Background 0:51
30 Baby Chicks in Henhouse 0:20
31 Several Ducks Quacking and Splashing 0:50
32 Ducks and Geese Quacking and Splashing 0:15
33 Flock of Ducks - Wings Flapping on Water 0:47
34 Swans Calling - Running Water in Background 0:50
35 Owl Hooting 0:23
36 Woodpecker Pecking a Tree - Other Birds in Distance 0:50
37 Chipmunk - Country Atmosphere 0:50
38 Squirrel Chatter 0:50
39 Prarie Dog Barking - Country Atmosphere 0:24
40 Coyote Howling 0:21
41 Wolf Howling - Other Wolves in Distance 0:50
42 Pack of Wolves Howling in Distance 0:42
43 Tree Falling in Forest 0:10
44 South American Rain Forest - Waterfall in Background 0:50
45 Asian Tropical Rain Forest 0:51
46 Jungle Atmosphere - Birds Screeching - Moving Water 0:51
47 Animal Moving Through Jungle Brush - Animal Chatter and Screeching 0:55
48 Lion Roar 0:09
49 Wildcat Snarling 0:47
50 Wildcat Hiss 0:06
51 Bear Growling 0:19
52 Several Bears Growling 0:52
53 Gorilla 0:50
54 Elephant Trumpeting - Birds in Background 0:46
55 Moose Grunting 0:28
56 Camel Grunting - Waterfall and Birds in Background 0:24
57 Rattlesnake Sounding Its Rattles 0:34
58 One Cricket Chirping 0:24
59 Many Crickets - Frogs - Sounds Around Pond 0:50
60 Many Crickets - Traffic in Background 0:51
61 Frogs Croaking 0:50
62 Frogs, Birds - Other Swamp Sounds 0:50
63 Swarm of Locusts 0:46
64 Mosquito 0:37
65 Fly Buzzing 0:17
66 Alligator Roar 0:53
67 Fishing on a Quiet Lake 0:47
68 Fish Splashing on Top of Water 0:34
69 Small Eddy 0:50
70 Babbling Brook 0:50
71 Mountain Spring 0:50
72 Running Stream 0:48
73 Small Waterfall 0:50
74 Large Waterfall 0:50
75 Underground Waterfall 0:50
76 White Water Rapids 0:52
77 Harbor Atmosphere on a Windy Day 0:27
78 Beach Atmosphere - Children Playing - People Talking 0:53
79 Ocean Shoreline 0:53
80 Waves Crashing 0:55
81 Sea Cave 0:50
82 Water Lapping Against Shore 0:50
83 Underwater Atmosphere 0:46
84 Deep Underwater Atmosphere 0:28
85 Sea Gulls: Dock Atmosphere 0:50
86 Sea Gulls: Shoreline Atmosphere 0:44
87 Sea Gulls: Waves Breaking 0:50
88 Seals and Sea Lions Barking 0:50
89 Winds Blowing Near the Ocean 0:31
90 Gale Force Winds 0:50
91 Strong Winds 0:50
92 Rain 0:51
93 Rain on a Pond 0:35
94 Thunder and Rain 0:51
95 Thunder 0:08
96 Small Crackling Fire 0:47
97 Large Raging Fire 0:41
98 Raging Fire w/ Howling Wind - Earthquake - Volcano - Lava Bubbling 3:13
Total time 66:20

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