The Lord Of The Rings
The Fellowship of The Ring

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The Prophecy 3:56
2 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - Concerning Hobbits 2:56
3 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The shadow of the past 3:34
4 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The Treason of Isengard 4:01
5 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The Black Rider 2:49
6 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - At the sign of the prancing pony 3:15
7 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - A knife in the dark 3:35
8 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - Flight to the ford 4:15
9 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - Many meetings 3:06
10 Aniron & Enya - The council of Elrond 3:50
11 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The Ring goes south 2:04
12 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - A journey in the dark 4:21
13 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The bridge of Khazad Dum 5:58
14 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - Lothlorien 4:35
15 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The Great river 2:43
16 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - Amon Hen 5:03
17 Howard Shore & Suzanne Peric - The breaking of the fellowship 7:21
18 Enya - May it be 6:56
19 Data / DATA / Data 0:06
Total time 74:09