Tom Colletti
Yoga is Love
new age

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Swagatam - Welcome 7:27
2 Anahata - The heart center, the seat of compassion 7:07
3 Ayurveda - The art of healing and prolonging life 7:07
4 Ajna - The center of intuition, knowing 3:53
5 Shatkarma - A cleansing process, purification 7:13
6 Adhyatma - Knowing the self beyond the mind 4:07
7 Moksha - Emotional freedom, spiritual liberation 5:34
8 Bhakti - Selfless, loving devotion 6:48
9 Vinyasa - The connection between breath and movement 9:12
10 Shavasana - Total relaxation, detachment from physical body 10:06
Total time 68:28