Artists • EVENI

Artist with "Other Victorians" album

Evening Bell
Artist with "Dying Stars" album

Evening Chronicle
Artist with "The Northumbria Anthology" album

Evening Fires
Artist with the following albums: "Untitled", "New Worlds For Old CD1", "Waves In The Air"

Evening Hymns
Artist with the following albums: "Let's All Get Happy Together", "Spirit Guides", "Spectral Dusk", etc...

Evening Light Trio
Artist with "Sweet Anointing" album

Evening Lights
Artist with the following albums: "2003 Tour CD", "Landscape", "The Disappointment"

Evening Ocean
Artist with "The Attraction" album

Evening Session
Artist with "Evening Session Priority Tunes (CD1)" album

Evening Star
Artist with "Evening Star" album

Evening Star Orchestra
Artist with the following albums: "Shania TwainTribute", "Elton John - The Ultimate Tribute"

Evening Sun
Artist with "My Shining Light" album

Artist with the following albums: "Lets Go", "North Dorm EP", "Early Burial"