Artists • FLIPP

Artist with the following albums: "FLIPP ADVANCE CD", "Volume", "FLIPP", etc...

Flippen, Benton & the Smokey Valley Boys
Artist with "An Evening at WPAQ, 1984" album

Artist with the following albums: "Salty Water", "Musik ska' der til", "American Grafishy", etc...

Flipper Dave
Artist with the following albums: "Flipper Dave", "Something Simple"

Flipper Flanagan's Flat Footed Four
Artist with "Damn Big Lake" album

Flipper Flipperchaschte
Artist with "Flipper Flipperchaschte" album

Flipper in der Thunfischdose
Artist with "" album

Flipper Ocsi
Artist with the following albums: "Tedd a szivedre a kezed", ""

Artist with "" album

Artist with the following albums: "BLUE SHININ' QUICK STAR[星の彼方へ]", "Groove Tube Pt.1&2", "恋とマシンガン(Young, Alive, in Love)", etc...

Artist with the following albums: "Star Gold / Die grossen Erfolge", "I Love Flippers", "", etc...

Flippers, Die
Artist with the following albums: "Der Floh In Meinem Herzen", "Sommer der Erinnerungen"

Flippin' Beans
Artist with the following albums: "Another brilliant disaster", "Everything's Fine... Act Brave And Die", "Flippin' Beans"

Flipping The Pig
Artist with "Pout" album

Artist with

Flippo Flash Hits Vol. 2
Artist with "Flippo Flash Hits Vol. 2" album