Artists • LEPA

Lepa Brena
Artist with the following albums: "Grandovi Hitovi", "Hitovi", "The best", etc...

Lepa Brena & Slatki Greh
Artist with the following albums: "Pomracenje Sunca", "Lepa Brena & Slatki Greh"

Lepa Brena i Slatki greh
Artist with "Hitovi" album

Artist with "NEKA ODE" album

Lepa Lukić
Artist with the following albums: "Neka Ode", "Kriješ, Kriješ", "Moramo Se Rastati"

Lepa Lukic
Artist with the following albums: "Zapisano u vremenu 2", "Zapisano u vremenu 3", "Lepa Lukic", etc...

Lepage & Lussier
Artist with "" album

LePage Ensemble
Artist with "Goldberg Variations BWV 988- J.S. Bach and Duo for Violin and V" album