Artists • SLOVE

Artist with "Le Danse" album

Artist with "just do it" album

Slovene Choral Music
Artist with "Ljudske pesmi" album

Slovene Phil. Orch., Ljubljana Symp. Orch.
Artist with "Dvorak and Mendelssohn Symphonies" album

Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra
Artist with the following albums: "The Magnificent Baroque, Part 1", "The Magnificent Baroque, Part 4", "The Magnificent Baroque, Part 3", etc...

Artist with "Folk Music and Songs" album

Slovenia Radio anda TV Symphony Orchestra, Moura Castro (Piano),...
Artist with "Serge Rachmaninov" album

Slovenian metal
Artist with "Slovenian Metal" album

Slovenian National Orchestra
Artist with "Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Suite" album

Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra & Yuri Simonov
Artist with "Berlioz‧Symphonie Fantastique" album

Slovenian Police Band
Artist with "Clash of the Styles" album

Slovenian Wind Orchestra Music
Artist with "Orchestra Music" album

Slovenika Philharmonic, Carlo Pantelli
Artist with "Ludwig van Beethoven" album

Slovenjegoriski Fantje
Artist with "Z nami na poroki" album

Artist with the following albums: "Riposte (A Little Resolve)", "We Shoot For The Moon", "Highway To Hanno's", etc...

Slovenska filharmonie, Libor Pesek
Artist with "Joseph Haydn - Symfonie c.84, Es dur a c.85, B dur" album

Slovenska klobasa
Artist with the following albums: "Malar Tono", "Slovenska Klobasa"

Slovenska popevka
Artist with "Prvih stirideset II" album

Artist with "" album

Slovenskí herci
Artist with "Sol nad zlato" album

Slovenskí herci
Artist with "Janko hrasko" album

Slovenske ljudske
Artist with "Daj, daj srcek nazaj" album

slovenske ljudske pesmi
Artist with the following albums: "otroska pesmarica", "Otroška pesmarica 2"

Slovenske ljudske pravljice
Artist with "Zlata ptica" album

Slovenske ljudske pripovedi
Artist with "Babica pripoveduje" album

Slovenske ljudske za otroke
Artist with "Smentana muha" album

Slovenske otroške pesmice
Artist with "Pojte, pojte, drobne ptice, preženite vse meglice" album

Slovenske Prostonarodne 2. Diel
Artist with "Slovenske Prostonarodne 2. Diel" album

Slovenski komorni zbor
Artist with the following albums: "Musica Sacra Slovenica, Marijine pesmi 6", "Slovenska zborovska glasba 20", "Slovenska zborovska glasba 8", etc...

Slovenski komorni zbor CD 45
Artist with "Marijan Lipovšek (1910-1995)" album

Slovenski Madrigalisti
Artist with the following albums: "The Gregorian Chants Collection - CD2", "The Gregorian Chants Collection - CD1", "Gregorian Chants"

Slovenski Oktet
Artist with the following albums: "Najlepse Bozicne Pesmi", "MOJCEJ", "Domovini", etc...

Slovensko hlada superstar
Artist with the following albums: "top11", "Kym vies snivat"

Slovensko hlada superstar 2
Artist with "TOP 11" album

Slovensky evanjelicky a.v. cirkevny spevokol v B.Petrovci
Artist with "Panovi znej spev nasej chvaly" album

Artist with "Mozaika" album