Artists • ZIMB

Zimba Marimba Band
Artist with "Alive" album

Artist with the following albums: "Seguir En La Ruta", "ADN"

Zimbabwe Artists
Artist with "The Sound of Mbira" album

Zimbabwe Insingizi
Artist with "Chants ndebele" album

Zimbabwe Legit
Artist with the following albums: "Zimbabwe Legit", "Brothers From The Mother", "House of Stone", etc...

Artist with "BRAHMS & CHAUSSON" album

Artist with the following albums: "Live", ""

Artist with "Are We there yet?" album

Artist with the following albums: "Zimbl we hope the angels let you rock - CD 2 und haste nicht ges", "Zimbl we hope the angels let you rock - CD 3 Message from the Un", "Bubblegum Trash Forever", etc...

Artist with "Its Message Is Friendly" album

Zimbo Trio
Artist with the following albums: "Tributo a Elis Regina", "Caminhos Cruzados", "Aquarela Do Brasil", etc...

Artist with "" album

Zimbo Trio + Cordas
Artist with the following albums: "Zimbo Trio + Cordas - Vol. 2", ""

Zimbo Trio + Metais
Artist with "Decisao" album

Zimbo Trio Com Hector & Heraldo
Artist with "Zimbo Trio" album

Artist with "" album

Artist with the following albums: "Romaria", "Cantar Portugal", "Terras de Viriato", etc...