Cats & Kittens
Cats & Kittens

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Cats and kittens venture out into the garden 1:23
2 Nothing like a good wash 1:02
3 The kittens demand some attention from a contented purring mothe... 1:53
4 The discovery of a full cat-dish! 0:40
5 Satisfaction is a full tummy and another good wash 0:41
6 The day warms up, time for a little something maybe 1:00
7 Biscuits! Purrrrr...fect 0:47
8 The Dove Cot. Puss will never catch one, but he does like to sit... 2:08
9 Mother and kittens settle down for a warm nap 1:55
10 The wind rustles through the trees, time for a romp through the 1:33
11 One of the kittens wants to play too 1:45
12 Puss decides he's hungry again and calls at the back door 0:53
13 Playing about in the leaves attracts their friend : a fluffy gin... 0:32
14 Puss gets lucky and food is brought out for all of them. The res... 6:13
15 It starts to rain. Time to gather up the kittens and head for th... 2:19
16 Bliss is a warm fire to curl up in front of 1:10
17 As the rain beats on the window, the remains of another bowl of 24:05
18 The rain stopped. It's a bit windy, but cats and kittens venture... 19:11
Total time 49:51