Children's Audio Company
The Mountain and Flowing Water - 高山流水民乐极品

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 梁祝相思(古筝、二胡) Contemplation of the Butterfly 4:11
2 高山流水(顾正独奏) The Mountain and Flowing Water 5:47
3 姑苏行(笛独奏) Heading for Suzhou 4:32
4 月牙五更(板胡独奏) The Moon at Dawn 5:06
5 平湖秋月(高胡) Autumn Moon on a Silent Lake 4:23
6 夜深沉(京胡) Deep Night 5:08
7 大浪淘沙(琵琶) The Great Waves Lash the Sand 4:45
8 得胜令(广东音乐) Winning a Victory 3:02
9 渔舟唱晚(古筝丝竹) Fishing Boat in the Sunset 4:26
10 凤凰展翅(笙独奏) Phoenix Spreading the Wings 3:51
11 月儿高(琵琶) The Lofty Moon 13:16
12 赛龙夺锦(广东音乐) Dragon Boat Racing 3:34
13 良宵(二胡) Wonderful Night 5:22
Total time 67:24

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