Georg F. Händel
Messiah (American Bach Soloists)

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Sinfonia 3:28
2 Comfort ye 3:08
3 Ev'ry Valley shall be exaulted 3:20
4 And the Glory of the Lord 2:26
5 Thus saith the Lord 1:26
6 But who may abide the Day of his coming 3:01
7 And he shall purify the Sons of Levi 2:21
8 Behold, a virgin shall conceive, O thou that tellest good Tidings to Zion 5:19
9 For behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth 1:50
10 The People that walkedd in Darkness 3:21
11 For unto us a Child is born 3:44
12 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 0:52
13 There were shepards abiding in the field... And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them 0:37
14 And the Angel said unto them... And suddenly there was with the Angel 0:55
15 Glory to God 1:55
16 Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion 7:11
17 Then shall the Eyes of the Blind be open'd... He shall feed his flock 5:43
18 His Yoke is easy 2:12
19 Behold the Lamb of God 2:45
20 He was despised and rejected of Men 10:12
21 Surely he hath bourne out griefs and carried out Sorrows 1:33
22 And with His Stripes we are healed 1:50
23 All we, like sheep, have gone astray 3:38
Total time 72:47
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 All they that see him laugh him to scorn 0:40
2 He trusted in God 2:05
3 Thy Rebuke hath broken his Heart 1:50
4 Behold, and see 1:23
5 He was cut off out of the Land of the Living 0:17
6 But thou didst not leave his Coul in Hell 2:29
7 Lift up your Heads 2:49
8 Unto which of the Angels said He at any time ... Let all the Angels of God worship him 1:36
9 Thou art gone up on High 2:51
10 The Lord gave the Word 1:00
11 How beautiful are the Feet 4:57
12 Why do the Nations so furiously rage together 2:44
13 Let us break their Bonds asunder 1:51
14 He that dwelleth in Heaven ... Thou shalt break them with a Rod of Iron 2:07
15 Hallejujah! 3:33
16 I know that my Redeemer liveth 6:28
17 Since by Man came Death 1:54
18 Behold, I tell you a Mystery 0:38
19 The trumpet shall sound 9:02
20 Then shall ddeath be brought to pass ... O Death, where is thy sting? 2:01
21 But Thanks beto God 2:07
22 If God be for us 4:11
23 Worthy is the Lamb ... Amen 6:27
Total time 65:00

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