Johann S. Bach


2000    Cantatas for the 9th Sunday after Trinity (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    BBC Music, Volume 8, Number 5: Four Violin Sonatas, Toccata and Fugue, BWV 565 (feat. violin: Andrew Manze, harpsichord: Richard Egarr)
2000    The French Suites (feat. harpsichord: Keith Jarrett)
2000    Six Suites for Solo Cello
2000    Goldberg Variations (cond. Bernard Labadie)
2000    "Actus Tragicus" Kantaten BWV 4, 12, 106 & 196 (Cantus Cölln feat. conductor: Konrad Junghänel)
2000    Complete Lute Music (feat. guitar: Frederic Zigante)
2000    Le clavier tempéré, préludes et fugues, No. 1 à 8 (feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2000    Cantatas for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany: BWV 72, 73, 111, 156 (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    Sonatas & Partitas (Hopkinson Smith)
2000    Partitas Nos. 2 & 3 / Sonata No. 3 (feat. violin: Yehudi Menuhin)
2000    Goldberg Variations
2000    Bach: The Art of Fugue (piano: Evgeni Koroliov)
2000    6 Suites for Cello Solo (Matt Haimovitz)
2000    Concertos, Volume 1 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki, violin: Ryo Terakado)
2000    The Six Sonatas & Partitas for Solo Violin (James Ehnes)
2000    Cantatas, Whitsun: BWV 34, 59, 74, 172 (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. Conductor John Eliot Gardiner)
2001    Triple Concerto (Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin)
2001    Œuvres pour orgue: Pâques (feat. organ: Jacques Hamade)
2001    The Concerto Album
2001    The Brandenburg Concertos
2001    Art of the Fugue (Canadian Brass)
2001    Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin
2001    Keyboard Concertos No. 1, No. 2, No. 4
2001    Toccata and Fugue: Famous Organ Works (Karl Richter)
2001    Partitas pour clavecin (harpsichord: Blandine Verlet)
2001    The Brandenburg Concertos
2001    Toccatas, Volume 1 (feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2001    The Art of Fugue (Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, feat. conductor: Karl Münchinger)
2001    Intavolatura (feat. lute: Rolf Lislevand)
2001    Concertos for Harpsichord, Violin, Flute, Oboe d'amore (The English Concert feat. harpsichord: Trevor Pinnock)
2001    The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (Sviatoslav Richter)
2001    Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 / Double Concerto (violin: Salvatore Accardo, Margaret Batjer, oboe: Douglas Boyd, The Chamber Orchestra of Europe)
2001    Die Kunst der Fuge (feat. piano: Grigory Sokolov)
2001    Sechs Triosonaten für ein Clavezimbel mit zwei Clavieren und Pedal, BWV 525-530 (feat. Stefan Palm, pedalcembalo)
2001    Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord, Volume 1 (violin: Lucy van Dael, harpsichord: Bob van Asperen)
2001    Musikalisches Opfer (Le Concert des Nations, feat. conductor: Jordi Savall)
2001    Toccatas, Volume 2 (Glenn Gould)
2001    Brandenburg Concertos (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2001    Concerts avec plusieurs instruments I (Café Zimmermann)
2001    Flute Sonatas, Volume 1 (baroque flute: Janet See, harpsichord: Davitt Moroney, viola da gamba: Mary Springfels)
2001    Morimur
2001    The Six Suites (feat. viola da gamba: Pandolfo)
2001    Bach Arrangements
2001    Bach: Goldberg Variations
2001    Bach Edition, Volume XII: Cantatas, Volume VI
2001    The Ultimate Bach Album
2001    Easter Oratorio, BWV 249 / Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 (Gabrieli Consort and Players, feat. conductor: Paul McCreesh)
2001    BBC Music, Volume 9, Number 11: Debut Recordings by Elisabeth Batiashvili (violin), Alexander Melnikov (piano), Belcea Quartet
2001    Cantatas, Volume 16 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2001    Matthäus-Passion (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra feat. conductor: Eugen Jochum)
2001    Keyboard Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 4 (Academy of St. Martin in the Fields feat. conductor & piano Murray Perahia)
2001    Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, Fassung 1725 (Collegium Vocale Gent feat. conductor: Philippe Herreweghe)
2001    Cantatas, Volume 14 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2001    Bach Edition, Volume XXII: Organ Works, Volume II
2001    Die Kunst der Fuge (Hespèrion XX feat. conductor Jordi Savall)
2001    Bach Edition, Volume VI: Organ Works, Volume I
2001    Cantatas, Volume 15 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2001    Sonatas for Unaccompanied Violin (Nathan Milstein)
2001    Kantaten zum Osterfestkreis (Bach-Ensemble feat. conductor: Helmuth Rilling)
2001    Cello Suites
2001    Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart feat. conductor: Helmuth Rilling) (disc 2)
2002    Sonate e partite per violino solo BWV 1001-1006 (Marco Rizzi)
2002    Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis: Cantatas BWV 21, 42 (La Chapelle Royale, Collegium Vocale feat. conductor: Philippe Herreweghe)
2002    Cantatas, Volume 17 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2002    The Art of Fugue (feat. consort of viols: Fretwork)
2002    Partitas No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 / Preludes, Fugues, Fughettas (feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2002    Cantatas, Volume 18 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2002    The Complete Flute Sonatas (Lisa Beznosiuk)
2002    Partitas No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 / Preludes (feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2002    The Art of Baroque Harpsichord
2002    Partitas for Harpsichord (Masaaki Suzuki)
2002    Cantatas, Volume 19 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2002    Violin Concertos BWV 1041-1043 (Bach-Collegium Stuttgart feat. conductor: Helmuth Rilling)
2002    Christian Vater-Orgel, St. Petri Melle (Egbert Schoenmaker)
2002    Goldberg Variations (harpsichord: Ketil Haugsand)
2002    Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord (feat. violin: Giuliano Carmignola, harpsichord: Andrea Marcon)
2002    A State of Wonder: The Complete Goldberg Variations 1955 & 1981
2002    Cantatas, Volume 20 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2002    Kantaten 39, 73, 93, 105, 107, 131 (Collegium Vocale, Ghent feat. director: Philippe Herreweghe)
2002    Sonatas & Partitas (violin: Yehudi Menuhin)
2002    Keyboard Concertos Nos. 1, 4, and 5 (Columbia Symphony Orchestra feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2002    l'offrande musicale
2002    Cello Suites Nos. 1, 5 & 6 (Yo-Yo Ma)
2002    John Williams Plays Bach
2002    German Country und Western: Sonata and Partita #1 for Violin adapted for 5-string banjo (feat. banjo: Eugene Chadbourne)
2002    Keyboard Concertos, Volume 2 (Columbia Symphony Orchestra feat. conductor: Vladimir Golschmann, piano: Glenn Gould)
2002    The Toccatas (feat. piano: Angela Hewitt)
2002    Cantatas, BWV 131, 152, 161 (Theatre of Early Music feat. conductor: Daniel Taylor)
2002    The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080
2002    The Complete Organ Music of Johann Sebastian Bach
2002    The French Suites (feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2002    Complete Harpsichord Concertos
2002    The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (piano: Rosalyn Tureck)
2002    Matthäus-Passion: Gesamtaufnahme (Stuttgarter Kammerorchester feat. conductor: Karl Münchinger) (disc 1)
2002    Bach: Solo Keyboard Works (Andras Schiff)
2002    Partitas 1, 3 & 6 (piano: Piotr Anderszewski)
2002    L'oeuvre de luth (feat. lute: Hopkinson Smith)
2002    The Flute Sonatas (feat. traverso: Wilbert Hazelzet)
2002    Solo Keyboard Works (Andras Schiff)

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See the freedb index of albums of Johann S. Bach