Premiere Edition 1

1: Nature Ambiences
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Forest Ambience 1 - Light Birds 3:01
2 Forest Ambience 2 - Birds & Light Wind 1:56
3 Forest Ambience 3 - Birds, Frogs, Light Wind 2:41
4 Birds, Morning Dove, Insects & Dog 1:36
5 Morning Park Birds 2:33
6 Geese & Ducks in Pond 3:29
7 Mountain Ambience - Insects & Coyote 3:44
8 Exotic Jungle Ambience - Birds, Monkeys & Insects 4:01
9 Amazon Jungle Ambience 1 - Birds & Insects 2:08
10 Amazon Jungle Ambience 2 - Birds & Insects 2:56
11 Night Jungle Ambience 1 - Unusual Birds & Insects 1:59
12 Night Jungle Ambience 2 - Insects & Crickets, Calm 3:04
13 Night Jungle Ambience 3 - Insects & Crickets, Active 2:23
14 Night Jungle Ambience 4 - Insects & Cicadas 2:34
15 Night Ambience 1 - Light Crickets & Dog Bark 2:05
16 Night Ambience 2 - Heavy Crickets & Insects, Close 1:22
17 Night Ambience 3 - Light Mid-Range Crickets, Calm 1:43
18 Night Ambience 4 - Calm Crickets, Distance 3:32
19 Night Ambience 5 - Hi-Pitched Crickets & Insects Hum 3:30
20 Single Cricket, Sporadic Chirps, Close 1:18
21 Swarm of Flies, Close 0:20
22 Country Night Ambience 1 - Crickets & Frogs, Active 2:05
23 Country Night Ambience 2 - Crickets & Frogs, Calm 2:32
24 Swamp Ambience 1 - Large Chorus Frogs w/Insects 4:05
25 Swamp Ambience 2 - Frogs Distant, Insects Med Close 2:36
26 Swamp Ambience 3 - Frogs Close, Insects Distant 2:33
27 Marsh Ambience - Insect Hum, Frogs & Exotic Bird 3:14
28 Exotic Rain Forest With Gorilla Calls 3:26
Total time 72:26
2: Birds and Animals
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Cactus Wren, Rhythmic Chirps 0:26
2 Canary Sings 0:14
3 Chickens Cackle 0:49
4 Crow Caws 0:06
5 Duck Quacks 0:14
6 Flicker, Rhythmic Chirps 0:25
7 Geese Honks With Movement 0:30
8 Hawk Screech #1 0:07
9 Hawk Screech #2 0:08
10 Hawk Call #1 0:09
11 Hawk Call #2 0:09
12 Meadow Lark, Happy Chirps 0:13
13 Parrot Squawks 0:09
14 Peacock Calls 0:07
15 Rooster Crows, 2x 0:08
16 Seagull Cries, 4x 0:12
17 Forest Song Bird, North American 0:06
18 Sparrow Sings 0:13
19 Vulture Squawks, 2x 0:09
20 Woodpecker Chirps 0:20
21 Wren Sings 0:18
22 Wild Boar Grunts & Squeals 0:19
23 Bull Roar 0:07
24 Two Cats Meowing 0:12
25 Cat Meow 0:08
26 Angry Cat Yowls, Cat Fight 0:23
27 Cat Purring 0:14
28 Cougar Cubs Purr & Whine 0:13
29 Cow Moos, 3x 0:09
30 Herd of Cows Mooing 0:30
31 Large Dog Barks, Interior 0:19
32 Medium Size Dog Barks 0:32
33 Small Dog Barks 0:30
34 Small Dog Barks, Angry 0:13
35 German Shepherd Barks 0:10
36 Rottweiler Vicious Barks, Snarls 0:31
37 Rottweiler Vicious Growls, Snarls 0:50
38 Large Dog Barks & Growls 0:41
39 Group of Dogs Bark & Howl 0:49
40 Large Dog Vicious Growls 0:31
41 Large Dog Growls, Sneezes 0:41
42 Dog Pants, Very Rapid 0:37
43 Dog Grinks Water From Bowl 0:45
44 Dog Eats Hard Crunchy Food 0:46
45 Puppies Whine & Whimper 0:41
46 Dolphin Chirps 0:07
47 Donkey Brays 0:29
48 Elephant Trumpeting 0:24
49 Elephant Honks & Blows 0:35
50 Elk Squeals 0:28
51 Goat Baa 0:09
52 Horses Whiney 0:23
53 Horse Blow, (single) 0:07
54 Horse by on Hard Dirt, L to R 0:11
55 2 Horses Gallop, Stop on Dirt 1:06
56 4 Horses Gallop on Dirt 0:29
57 2 Horses Milling on Dirt 0:37
58 Leopard Roars & Growls in Cage 1:01
59 Lion Growls 0:15
60 Multiple Lions Growl Softly 0:47
61 2 Lion Cubs, Small Growls 0:37
62 Chimpanzee Screeches 1:09
63 Moose Calls 0:11
64 Pig Squeals #1 0:14
65 Pig Squeals #2 0:16
66 Pig Squeals #3 0:47
67 Multiple Pigs Snort & Squeal 1:01
68 Rattlesnake Tail Rattle #1 0:25
69 Rattlesnake Tail Rattle #2 0:42
70 Sheep Baa 0:06
71 Multiple Sheep Baa 0:26
72 Vicious Wolf Growls & Snarls 0:51
73 Wolf Howls 0:21
Total time 30:19
3: Wind
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Light Wind 1 - Wispy 2:08
2 Light Wind 2 - Wispy, Gusts 2:53
3 Light Wind 3 - Airy, Gusts 0:57
4 Light Wind 4 - Cold, Birds 2:16
5 Light Wind 5 - Thru Trees, Birds 1:59
6 Medium Wind 1 - Gusts 1:31
7 Medium Wind 2 - Cold 2:08
8 Medium Wind 3 - Airy 1:29
9 Medium Wind 4 - Eerie, Gusts 1:41
10 Medium Wind 5 - Mid Range Gusts 2:11
11 Eerie Wind Rumble 1 0:27
12 Eerie Wind Moaning 0:34
13 Eerie Wind Rumble 2 1:10
14 Heavy Wind Gusts, Sand 0:47
15 Medium Wind Gusts, Debris 0:42
16 Heavy Cold Gusts Howling - Wind 1:03
17 Heavy Wind Gusts on Leaves 0:40
18 Heavy Gusts, Grass Movement - Wind 2:25
19 Medium Wind, Whistling Gusts 0:55
20 Heavy Wind, Low End Gusts 2:48
21 Heavy Wind Rumbling 2:56
22 Medium Eerie Wind, Shutter Bangs 2:07
23 Heavy Gusts Whip Sand and Grass - Wind 0:31
24 Heavy Gusts, Moaning Wind 1:02
25 Heavy Wind Howls Thru Grass 1:57
26 Heavy Gusts Blowing Sand - Wind 1:03
27 Medium Gusts Blowing Leaves - Wind 2:16
28 Heavy Wind Gusts in Trees 0:56
29 Medium Wind Whistling 0:52
30 Heavy Wind Whistling 1:03
31 Heavy Wind Whistling, Brush 0:59
32 Heavy Wind, Coastal 1:32
33 Medium Cold Wind, Trees 0:50
34 Light Wind Whistling, Brush 1:38
35 Heavy Gusting Wind Howling 1:01
36 Heavy Wind Gusts, Low Roar 1:42
37 Heavy Gusts, Constant Whistle - Wind 0:30
Total time 53:39
4: Water
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Drinking Fountain Running With on and Offs - Water 0:28
2 Drips, Slow and Small, Into Water in Reverberant Space 0:49
3 Drips, Slow and Big, From Shower Faucet in Gym Shower Room - Water 0:36
4 Drips Fall Into Large Metal Rain Barrel Filled With Water 1:04
5 Drips From Faucet Into Water in Sink 0:51
6 Drips, Small, Fall Onto Metal Pan - Water 0:47
7 Drips, Heavy and Splatty, Fall Onto Hard Surface - Water 1:01
8 Drips, Splatty, Fall Onto Leaves - Water 0:30
9 Drips, Hard and Thick, Fall Sometimes Quickly Onto Hard Surface - Water 1:02
10 Drips of Water Fall Onto China 1:06
11 Drips, Heavy, Fall Into Liquid - Water 0:28
12 Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 1 - Water 0:06
13 Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 2 - Water 0:06
14 Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 3 - Water 0:06
15 Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 4 - Water 0:06
16 Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 5 - Water 0:06
17 Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 6 - Water 0:06
18 Fountain 1- Large, Home Garden Type - Water 2:30
19 Fountain 2 - Large, Public Park Type - Water 2:10
20 Water Laps 1 - Small Size Laps Against a Small Boat 0:56
21 Water Laps 2 - Lake Water Laps by a Dock With Some Surging Waves 1:53
22 Water Laps 3 - Lake Water Laps Against Sailboat Cutting Through Water 0:39
23 Water Laps 4 - Calm Laps Against a Boat 1:21
24 Canoe Paddle Through Water 0:38
25 Water Plops in Metal Bucket 0:37
26 Water Plop, Single - Small Object Dropped Into Water 0:06
27 Stream, Small 1 - Gentle and Babbling Ascending Drips, Close - Water 2:55
28 Stream, Small 2 - Medium-Fast and Babbling Over Rocks - Water 3:33
29 Stream, Small 3 - Fast, Gentle and Babbling Over Rocks - Water 3:32
30 River, Small 1 - Water Medium-Fast, Babbling and Smooth Running 3:51
31 River, Small 2 - Babbling Drips Close, Smooth Running Roar in Background - Water 3:31
32 River, Medium 1 - Medium-Fast Running With Roar - Water 2:37
33 River, Medium 2 - Fast Running With Roar - Water 2:15
34 River, Large 1 - Fast Running With Wide Ambient, Deep Roar - Water 1:45
35 River, Large 2 - Fast Running With Wide Ambient, Deeper Roar - Water 2:19
36 Water Trickle 1 - Splashy Drops on Ground, Close, Drizzle Background 1:57
37 Water Trickle 2 - Light Water Splash and Movement 1:02
38 Wade Through Water 1 - Slow Footsteps in and Out of Shallow Pool 1:12
39 Wade Through Water 2 - Hands Splash in and Out of Water, Lightly 0:23
40 Waterfall, Small 1 - Rapid, With Big Splashy Drops, Close Perspective 2:12
41 Waterfall, Small 2 - Rapid, With Fine Mist Roar 1:34
42 Waterfall, Medium 1 - Smooth Running With Bubbling Roar 2:08
43 Waterfall, Medium 2 - Very Rapid Fine Mist Roar 3:19
44 Waterfall, Large - Very Rapid Fine Mist Roar 2:24
45 Waves 1 - Calm Ocean or Surf Pounding, Distant Perspective - Water 3:45
46 Waves 2 - Medium Size Waves Crash and Close Out With Foam Hiss - Water 1:30
47 Waves 3 - Medium-Large Size Waves Crash and Close Out With Foam Hiss, Close - Water 1:49
48 Drips - Water - From Wringing Out Wet Cloth 0:13
Total time 69:51
5: Rain Thunder Fire Bubbles
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Rain - Light 1:56
2 Rain - Light & Drizzling 2:59
3 Rain - Light With Distant Traffic 2:52
4 Rain - Medium With Distant Traffic 3:03
5 Rain - Splatty Drops Off Roof 3:05
6 Rain - Medium on Porch & Plants 2:05
7 Rain - Heavy 1:57
8 Rain - Very Heavy 2:50
9 Thunder Without Rain 2:01
10 Thunder With Light Rain Swells & Wind 3:51
11 Thunder With Drizzle Swells & Wind 4:12
12 Thunder With Medium Splatty Rain 2:28
13 Thunder With Heavy Rain 0:39
14 Rain on a Tin Roof 2:59
15 Rain on Glass Window in Roof 3:02
16 Rain on Car Roof With Faint Thunder 2:60
17 Rain Splattering in Gutter 2:10
18 Rain Splattering in Puddle 3:03
19 Fire - Small Wood 3:03
20 Fire - Medium Wood 3:03
21 Fire - Medium Wood With Sap Whining 3:03
22 Fire - Medium, Roar With Crackles 3:03
23 Fire - Large, Roar With Crackles 3:03
24 Bubbling Liquid in Cauldron 0:33
25 Bubbling Fish Tank, Very Fast 0:40
26 Bubbles - Big, Slow, Gurgling Up 0:18
27 Bubbles - Big, Fast, Gurgling Up 0:27
28 Bubbles - Fast, Slowed 65%, Gurgling Up 0:38
29 Bubbles - Underwater 1 0:21
30 Bubbles - Underwater 2 0:25
31 Rumble - Heavy, Underwater 1 0:41
32 Rumble - Heavy, Underwater 2 0:43
33 Bubble Blow, with Loud Gum Chews 0:06
Total time 68:18
6: Planes and Trains
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Airport, Exterior - Large, Busy Tarmac Area With Loud, Whining Jet Idles, Slow Maneuvers 1:51
2 Airport, Exterior - Loading Area With Medium Distant Traffic and Jet Idles, Luggage Cart by Voices 1:49
3 Airport, Interior - Pa Announcements and Pages Voices and Footsteps Close to Distant, Luggage 3:05
4 Jet, Large, Exterior Perspective - Take Off and Away - Plane 0:44
5 Jet, 727, Take Off, Interior Perspective - Roar With Engine Whine - Plane 1:13
6 Et, Large, Interior Perspective - Steady Roar Near Engine - Plane 0:33
7 Jet, 727, Landing, Interior Perspective - Engine Roar, Deceleration, Thump on Touch-Down - Plane 0:56
8 Jet Landing, Exterior Perspective - Jet in and Land Close With Tire Skids, by Left to Right - Plane 0:35
9 Tire Skids for Plane Landing X4 0:08
10 Jet, Large, Exterior Perspective - Taxi and Stop Close, Bell Rings, Wind Down to Idle - Plane 1:25
11 Jet, Large, by - Long in and by Close, Right to Left, Then Long Away - Plane 0:31
12 F-15 Fighter Plane in and by Right to Left, and Away 0:27
13 F-15 Fighter Plane Maneuvers Medium to Distant Perspective 0:49
14 F-111 Fighter - Bomber Plane in and by With Big Roar on Away 0:34
15 F-111 Fighter - Bomber Plane Slow by With Afterburner on for Away 0:34
16 Piper Arrow Prop Plane Start and Idle Close 0:51
17 P-51 Mustang Prop Plane Start and Sputtering Idle, Rev 0:58
18 1940's Single Prop Plane Idles, Close Perspective 0:39
19 P-47 Mustang Prop Plane Taxi in to Close and Off 0:40
20 Twin-Engine Turbo-Prop Plane Taxi by Right to Left 0:33
21 Cessna Prop Plane Take Off 0:38
22 Prop Plane Exterior Steady, Small Twin Engine With Revs; Can Play for Interior in Flight 0:41
23 Prop Plane in and by Low Overhead Right to Left 0:21
24 1940's Prop Plane by Low Overhead Left to Right 0:23
25 Cessna Prop Plane in From Distant, Lands Close With Tire Skid, Away 0:39
26 Glider, Exterior Perspective - Heavy Wind Roar in Flight With Hissy Gusts; Sounds Cold - Plane 1:02
27 Glider, Interior Perspective - In Flight, Steady Wind Roar, More Whistling Than Fx 26 - Plane 0:44
28 Helicopter Start and Idle, Close Perspective, High-Pitched Ascending 2:03
29 Helicopter Close Perspective - Steady Blade Thwop 0:43
30 Huey Helicopter Take Off, Close Perspective, With High-Pitched Whine 1:01
31 Helicopter, Medium Close Perspective - Hovering Overhead With Slight 0:54
32 Huey Helicopter Steady, in Whisper Mode 0:40
33 Huey Helicopter, Interior Perspective, With High- And Low-Pitched Whine 1:06
34 Helicopter, Close Perspective - Long in and by Overhead, Away 1:01
35 Helicopter, Medium Distant Perspective - In and By 0:36
36 Helicopter Land Close and Wind Down 0:58
37 Huey Helicopter, Interior Perspective - Stop and Engine Wind Down, With One Loud Beep 1:14
38 Spacecraft Launch With Futzed Countdown, Then Roaring Lift Off 0:57
39 Model Airplane, Close to Medium Perspective - Start, Run and Off 0:56
40 Passenger Train, Interior Perspective - Steady With Rail Clicks and Metal 3:02
41 Train, Exterior Perspective - Steady, With Constant Rail Clicks, Metal Rattles and Bells By 3:05
42 Train, Exterior Perspective - Air Release Close, Slow Pull Out With Metal Groans, Accelerates 2:22
43 Train Through Tunnel Medium Speed, Exterior Side of Train Perspective 1:49
44 Train Long in From Distant With Echoed Horn Blows to Very Close By; Left to Right With Rail Clicks 4:02
45 Rain by, Close Perspective - Slowly, Left to Right 3:16
46 Freight Train Close Horn Blow and Air Release, by Left to Right Very Slow With Brake Squeals Metal Stress Creaks and Squeaks 2:59
47 Rain, Exterior Perspective - Idle Medium Close Horn Blow Close at Head 1:01
48 Train Horn Blow, Medium Perspective 0:07
49 Cable Car by Close With Bell Ring, Loud Metal Rail Thumps 0:27
50 Subway Train, Close Perspective - In and by With Rail Clicks, Then Long Away 0:34
51 Subway Train, Medium Perspective - In, Stop and Away With Air Brake Releases 1:11
52 Subway Train, Stairwell Perspective - In and Stop With Brake Squeals, Doors Op Cl 1:32
Total time 61:02
7: Cars
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Car False Starts, V-8, Close Perspective - Several Attempts, One Successful Start but Immediately Dies 0:48
2 1983 V-6 Chevy Stick Shift - Start, Revs, Fast Acceleration, Then Decelerate. Accel and Decel a Few Times; City Driving 1:39
3 1983 Chevy V-6 - Idle, Accelerates & Decelerates 2:10
4 Mustang 5, 0 V-8 - Short Idle Then Medium Acceleration (Stick Shift) to Moderate RPM Steady 1:59
5 1986 Sports Car, 4-Cylinder - Idles, Then Fast Acceleration Through Gears (Stick Shift) To High Speed 1:22
6 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Accel to High Speed, Then Long Gradual Decel 3:33
7 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Quiet Idle With a Few Low Revs, Gear Shift Clicks 0:28
8 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Fast Accelerate in First Gear to High RPM then Decel & Idle 0:25
9 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Short Idle Accelerate to High Rpm Variable Steady, Sudden Deceleration w/Backfire 1:47
10 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Steady, Medium High RPM 0:41
11 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Long Deceleration From High RPM With Down Shift, Slight Accel Then Slow 1:22
12 Racy Foreign Car - Fast Accels and Decels with Downshifting, Variable Steadys 3:07
13 Porsche - Start Close, Accelerate to Long Medium Speed (45 MPH) Steady, Accelerate to Highway Steady 3:26
14 Model T - Start, Variable Slow Steady, Suspension Rattles Over Bumps and at Slow Speed 3:55
15 V-8 Car - Start, Accelerate to High RPM, Racy Steady, High Speed Accels, Smooth Engine Stick Shift 3:42
16 Car, Interior - Highway Steady With Windows Partially Down, Smooth Engine, Tires Over Small Bumps 2:40
17 Volkswagen Bug, Interior - Start, Reverse, Stop, Accelerate to 45 MPH Steady, then Slow to Stop 2:33
18 Volkswagen Bug, Interior - Idle, Windows Up, Off at End 1:02
19 Jeep - Start and Idle, Close Perspective, Off at End 1:06
20 Car Idle With Fan on, Close Perspective, Fan Shuts Off, Car Continues to Idle, Off at End 0:35
21 1988 V-8, Car - Idle, Close Perspective 1:49
22 V-8 Car - Start, Medium to Close Perspective Idle With Revs, Then Away 0:30
23 Car in Slow to Idle, Then Off, Close Perspective 0:40
24 V-8 Car, Large - In Medium Slow to Stop, and Idle Close Perspective, Set Brake, Release, Long Away 0:49
25 V-8 Car - In Medium, Stop on Dirt, Close Perspective, Idle and Off 0:33
26 V-8 Car - Start, Close Perspective, then Away Medium Fast 0:24
27 V-8 Car - In Fast and Skid to Stop on Dirt, Close Perspective, then Idle and Off 0:16
28 V-8 Car - Start, Close Perspective, Peel Out on Dirt and Away Fast to Distance 0:25
29 Lincoln Town Car - Performing Maneuvers on Gritty Asphalt or Dirt With Fast Aways, Peel Outs 0:39
30 1964 Cadillac - In Very Slow, then Rough Idle Take Out of Gear, and Off With Long Diesel Clanks 0:21
31 Lincoln Town Car - Long in Medium Speed and Stop With Small Dirt Skid, Close Perspective 1:07
32 Model T Ford - In Slow, Stop, and Off, Start Close Perspective, Slow Away 0:43
33 1986 Toyota Celica - In Fast and Stop With Brake Squeals, Close Perspective, Off 0:16
34 1987 Chevrolet Corsica - Long in Medium Fast Close Perspective Smooth Stop, Idle, Off 0:50
35 Lincoln Town Car - In and Skid to Stop on Pavement With Tire Screech 0:12
36 Lincoln Town Car - In and Skid to Stop on Pavement With Small Tire Screech 0:08
37 1986 Toyota Celica - In Fast and Stop on Dirt Close Perspective, Away With Small Peel Out 0:24
38 1986 Toyota Celica - In Fast and Skid to Stop on Dirt, Close Perspective, Away With Small Peel Out 0:20
39 Mercedes - Start Close Perspective, in Gear, and Peel Out on Pavement With Tire Squeal, Long Away 0:23
40 Mustang 5, 0 V-8 - Start Close Perspective, Long Idle, Put in Gear, Short Rev and Peel Out 0:47
41 GTO [Special mix] - High Revs and Peel Out With Heavy Tire Squeal and Away on Pavement 0:19
42 Roadster [Special mix] - High Rev and Peel Out With Heavy Tire Squeal and Away on Pavement 0:13
43 Car Tire Squeal, Short 0:06
44 Car Long in 10 Mph and Pass by Close Perspective Then Long Away on Dirt Road 0:22
45 Model T Ford - In and by, Driven in Circles Several Times 1:47
46 V-8 Car or Truck - Smooth, Short in, by, Then Short Out 0:15
47 V-8 Car, Large - Medium Short in, by, Then Medium Short Out 0:17
48 Car Alarm - Activate and de-Activate Chirps 0:06
49 Car Alarm - Rapid, High-Pitched Whooper Siren Steady, With Single Horn Honks, Close Perspective 0:34
50 Car Alarm - Rapid, High-Pitched Whooper Siren Steady, Without Honks, Close Perspective 0:16
51 Car Alarm - Fast Oscillator Type, Steady, and Off, Close Perspective 0:53
52 Car's Dash Switches, General 0:14
53 Car Door Open and Close 1 - 1987 Chevrolet Corsica, Interior, Close Perspective 0:12
54 Car Door Open and Close 2 - Lincoln Town Car Close Perspective; Good for Police Car or Modern Car Door 0:23
55 Car Door Open and Close 3 - Lincoln Town Car Close Perspective; More Gentle Than Fx 54 0:12
56 Car Door Open and Close 4 - Bmw, Close Perspective 0:07
57 Car Door Open and Close 5 - Large, Old and Rusty Door Open With Creak and Close With Metal Rattles 0:11
58 Car Door Open and Close 6 - 1964 Cadillac, Large Rusty Door Open and Close With Metal Hinge Creaks 0:07
59 Door Buzzer, Economy Car. High, Nasal, Whining Buzz 0:20
60 Keys Into and Out of Ignition, Then Buzzer, Close Perspective; Also Useful for Door Buzzer 0:11
61 Engine Shut Off With Long Diesel 0:11
62 Hand Brake Set With Clicks and Release - Bmw 0:11
63 Transmission Gear Grinds 0:29
64 Old Truck - Idles With Gear Grinds 0:18
65 Floor Type Gear Shifter Movement - Bmw 0:18
66 Glove Compartment Door Open and Close, Metal Clicks and Knob Turns, Close Perspective 0:13
67 Car Hood Open and Close - Mercedes, Close Perspective 0:07
68 Modern Car Hood Open and Close, Close Perspective 0:09
69 Car Hood Open and Close - Bmw Hydraulic Hood With Piston Hiss, Close Perspective 0:14
70 Car Horn Honk - Medium-Pitched With Various Lengths 0:16
71 Car Horn Beeps - High-Pitched Nasal, Various Length 0:41
72 Car Horn Beeps - High Double-Pitched, From Small Car, Various Lengths 0:27
73 Horn Honks - Jeep Cherokee, Various Lengths 0:34
74 Doppler Car Horn by Approximately 35 Mph High-Pitched Horn 0:08
75 Doppler Car Horn by Approximately 40 Mph Medium Pitched Horn 0:14
76 Traffic Jam - Many Car Horns Sound 0:52
77 Hub Cap Falls on Asphalt, Rolls and Spins 0:11
78 Suspension Clunks, Interior - Car Driving on Rough Road 1:15
79 Corvair - Drives Slowly Over Bumps With Interior Light Rattles, Acceleration, Turn Signal 1:39
80 Keys Into and Out of Ignition 0:07
81 Older Car Seat Adjust Forward and Back With Clunks and Vinyl Seat Creaks 0:14
82 Suspension Bounces - With Creaks, Squeaks and Movement 0:49
83 Turn Signal on and Off - Volkswagen Gti, Close Perspective 0:15
84 Car Trunk Open and Close - Mercedes, Close Perspective 0:17
85 Car Window Roll Up and Down - Manual Hand Crank Style, Close Perspective 0:15
86 Car Window Up and Down, Electric - Interior Close Perspective 0:32
87 Car Window Up and Down, Electric - Bmw, Interior Close Perspective 0:16
88 Windshield Wipers - Bmw Exterior, Modulating Servo Whine With Light Thumps and Soft Scraping Sounds 0:15
89 Windshield Wipers - Bmw Exterior, Modulating Servo Whine Light Thumps and Soft Scraping Sound 0:15
90 Windshield Wipers - Heavy Truck Slow Speed, Close Perspective 0:24
91 Bus Door - Manual Open With Squeak and Close Close Perspective 0:09
92 Air Brake Hiss 1 - Logging Truck, Close Perspective 0:07
93 Air Brake Hiss 2 - Large Truck, Close Perspective 0:06
94 Air Brake Hiss 3 - Large Truck, Higher-Pitched Than Fx 93, Close Perspective 0:06
95 Air Brake Hiss 4 - Large Truck, Short Blasts Close Perspective 0:08
96 Air Horn Blasts - Logging Truck, With Medium Distant Reverberation, Close Perspective 0:32
97 Air Horn Blasts - Large Truck, Low-Pitched, Close Perspective 0:12
98 Doppler Horn by, Left to Right - Semi-Truck 0:15
99 Truck Door Open and Close, Close Perspective 0:11
Total time 70:55
8: Traffic, Sirens, Motors, Busses
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Highway Traffic, Busy - Close Perspective, Cars and Trucks 3:44
2 Highway Traffic, Light - Close Perspective, Cars, Trucks With Doppler Horns, Tire Whine and Rattles 2:03
3 Traffic, City Street With Footsteps and Voices on Sidewalk 2:58
4 Traffic, Residential or Light City, Medium Close to Distant Perspective, Distant Siren, Plane, Voices 2:48
5 Traffic, Wet Highway, Light to Medium Busy 3:14
6 Two Wet Car Bys, With Long Aways, Close to Medium Perspective, 30 Mph Action From Left to Right 0:22
7 Federal Air Horn Siren - Long Steady With Good Tail Out 2:22
8 Police Wailer Siren - Long Steady, Close Perspective 0:33
9 Police Wailer Siren - By, Action Left to Right Fast, Away to Distant Perspective and Off 0:26
10 Yelper Siren - Close Perspective 0:49
11 Yelper Siren - Multiple Short on and Offs, Close Perspective 0:22
12 High / Low Siren - Close Perspective 1 0:37
13 High / Low Siren - Close Perspective 2 0:19
14 Phaser Siren - Close Perspective 0:18
15 Fire Truck Siren and Close Perspective Horn Honks, Off at Tail 0:15
16 Bus Exterior Steady, Through Gears 1:53
17 School Bus 1 - Coasting With Rattles on a Bumpy Road, Slows to Stop; Interior Perspective 1:06
18 School Bus 2 - Start Up, Emergency Brake Release Then Steady Through Gears With Rattles on a Bumpy Road 1:33
19 Bus by 1 - Bus Long in With Gear Shifts From Distant Left, and by to the Right With Long Away Gear 1:01
20 Bus by 2 - Bus Fast in From the Left With Gear Shifts, and by to the Right With Long Away 0:19
21 Bus, Exterior; By L to R With Stop 0:55
22 Small Car Engine Suddenly Breaks and Begins to Rattle Loudly as It Idles, Close Perspective 0:11
23 Canning Machine - Steady Chug With Metal Edge. 2:40
24 Lawnmower Engine - Steady, 9 Horse Power Wisconsin Motor, Slow Idle 1:35
25 Lawnmower Engine - 3, 5 Horsepower With Low Rpm's, Medium Perspective, Steady, With Rotating Blade 0:49
26 Lawnmower Engine - Steady, 8 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton, With Medium Fast Rpm's 1:32
27 Lawnmower Engine - Steady, 9 Horsepower Wisconsin Motor, With Slow Idle 0:36
28 Edge Trimmer - Steady, 2 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton, With Medium Rpm's 0:47
29 Edge Trimmer - Steady, 2 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton, With Fast Rpm's 1:07
30 Weed Eater With Fast Rpm's, Few Starts and Stops 0:36
31 Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 1 - Turn on, Steady and Off 0:18
32 Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 2 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off With Chug 0:34
33 Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 3 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off With Chugs and Air 0:20
34 Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 4 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off With Wind Down 0:17
35 Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 5 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off 0:17
36 Motorized Shop Tool - Drill Press Motor - Turn on Steady Motor With Rattles 0:19
37 Motorized Shop Tool - Grinder (Metal) - Turn on and Wind Up to Smooth Steady With Rhythmic Hum, Off 1:10
38 Motorized Shop Tool - Joiner (Wood) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Wind Down 0:50
39 Motorized Shop Tool - Lathe - Turn on, Steady and Off With Wind Down 0:42
40 Motorized Shop Tool - Sander (Belt) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Short Wind Down 0:28
41 Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Band) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Wind Down 0:40
42 Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Radial Arm) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Long Wind Down and Squeak 0:50
43 Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Table) 1 - Turn on Steady, and Off With Long Wind Down 0:41
44 Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Table) 2 - Turn on Steady, and Off With Short Wind Down 0:18
45 Motorized Shop Tool - Shaper - Turn on, Steady With Intermittent Whines, Off With Short Wind Down 1:35
46 Pump Motor, Small, Running Steady 0:50
47 Motor 1 - Turn on With Wind Up, Steady With Rhythmic Hum, and Off With Wind Down 1:05
48 Motor 2 - Running Steady 0:48
49 Motor 3 - Running Steady; Same Motor as Track 48 With Metal Rattles 0:36
Total time 50:27
9: Guns, Ricochets, Explosions, Fireworks
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Cannon Ball Whiz, Left to Right 0:06
2 Very Short Cannon Ball Whiz 0:06
3 Sponging a Cannon 0:18
4 Worming a Cannon 0:09
5 Quick Pistol Cock - Gun 0:06
6 Classic Pistol Cock - Gun 0:06
7 Fast Chamber Spin - Gun - Revolver 0:06
8 Chamber Spins a Few Times - Gun - Revolver 0:06
9 Winchester Rifle Cock - Gun 0:06
10 Pistol Dry Fire, Single - Gun 0:06
11 Pistol Dry Fire, Multiple - Gun 0:06
12 Load and Cock M-14 Rifle - Gun 0:06
13 Load and Cock M-16 Rifle - Gun 0:06
14 Insert Magazine Into Ak-47 - Gun 0:06
15 Civil War Cannon Shot With Long Ring-Off 0:06
16 Civil War Cannon Shot With Long Ring-Off and Slapback Echo 0:09
17 Two Civil War Cannons Shot With Long Ring Off 0:07
18 Black Powder Musket 1 - Single Shot - Gun 0:06
19 Black Powder Musket 2 - Single Shot - More Ring Off Than Fx 18 - Gun 0:06
20 Black Powder Musket 3 - Single Shot - More Powerful and More Ring Off Than Fx 18 or 19 - Gun 0:06
21 Black Powder Musket 4 - Single Shot - Powerful With Less Ring Off Than Fx 20 - Gun 0:06
22 Black Powder Musket 5 - Single Shot - Powerful With Lighter Powder Load, More Ring Off Than Fx 21 - Gun 0:06
23 Black Powder Musket 6 - Single Shot - Powerful With Heavier Powder and More Ring Off Than Fx 22 - Gun 0:08
24 Black Powder Musket 7 - Single Shot - Powerful - Closer Perspective Than Fx 23 - Gun 0:06
25 22 Caliber Pistol Shot 1 - Close Perspective - Gun 0:06
26 22 Caliber Pistol Shot 2 - Medium Perspective and More Reverberant Than Fx 25 - Gun 0:07
27 22 Caliber Rifle Shot - Medium Perspective - Gun 0:06
28 357 Magnum Pistol Shot 1 - Close Perspective - Gun 0:06
29 357 Magnum Pistol Shot 2 - Medium Perspective More Ring Off Than Fx 28 - Gun 0:07
30 357 Magnum Pistol Shot 3 - Close Perspective More Ring Off Than Fx 28 - Gun 0:06
31 Rifle Shot With Echo - Gun 0:06
32 308 Mauser, Single Shot - Gun 0:06
33 30-O6 Hunting Rifle, Single Shot With Echo and Long Ring Off - Gun 0:09
34 Ar-15 Automatic Rifle 1 - Single Shot With Bullet Shell Eject Onto Grass - Gun 0:06
35 Ar-15 Automatic Rifle 2 - Single Shot - Gun 0:06
36 Ar-15 Automatic Rifle 3 - Single Shot With Bullet Shell Ejects Onto Grass - Gun 0:06
37 Ar-15 Semi-Automatic Rifle - Multiple Shots - Gun 0:09
38 Ar-15 Full Automatic Rifle - Multiple Shots - Gun 0:17
39 Ak-47 Automatic Rifle 1 - Single Shot - Gun 0:06
40 Ak-47 Automatic Rifle 2 - Single Shot - Shorter, Higher Pitched and Less Reverberant Than Fx 40 - Gun 0:06
41 Ak-47 Automatic Rifle 3 - Single Shot Short With Light Ring Off - Gun 0:06
42 Ak-47 Full Automatic Rifle - Multiple Shots - Gun 0:06
43 M-16 Automatic Machine Gun - Fire, Short 0:06
44 M-16 Automatic Machine Gun - Fire, Single Shot With Bolt Action 0:06
45 M-14 Automatic Rifle - Single Shot With Clear Distinctive Bolt Action - Gun 0:06
46 M-14 Full Automatic Rifle - Shot Burst With Casings Drop on Cement - Gun 0:08
47 M-1 Rifle - Single Shot With Casings Drop on Cement and Movement - Gun 0:06
48 M-1 Semi-Automatic Rifle - Fire, Multiple Shots Bullet Shell Casings Drop on Hard Surface - Gun 0:06
49 M-60 Automatic Machine Gun Bursts 1 - Good Distinctive Bolt Action 0:11
50 M-60 Automatic Machine Gun Bursts 2 - Medium Perspective 0:12
51 Automatic Machine Gun - Rapid Fire With Distinctive Bolt and Band Action 0:08
52 8 Gauge Shotgun - Single Blast With Ring Off 0:06
53 12 Gauge Shotgun - Blast With Ring Off 0:06
54 16 Gauge Shotgun - Blast With Ring Off 0:06
55 9mm Uzi 1 - Single Shot - Gun 0:06
56 9mm Uzi 2 - Single Shot With Debris Fall, Lower Pitched Than Fx 55 - Gun 0:06
57 9mm Uzi Automatic Fire 1 - Debris and Dirt Fall - Gun 0:07
58 9mm Uzi Automatic Fire 2 - Bullet Hits Metal - Gun 0:07
59 9mm Uzi Automatic Fire 3 - With Ring Off - Gun 0:07
60 Pistol or Rifle Shot 1 - Sharp [Special mix] - Gun 0:06
61 Pistol or Rifle Shot 2 - Sharper Than Fx 60, With Ring Off [Special mix] - Gun 0:06
62 Rifle Shot 3 - Boomy, With Ring Off [Special mix] - Gun 0:06
63 Rifle Shot 4 - Boomy, With Casings Drop [Special mix] - Gun 0:06
64 Rifle Shot 5 - Midrange, With Echo [Special mix] - Gun 0:06
65 Bullet Ricochet Off Metal Surface 0:06
66 Bullet Ricochet Off Wood Surface 0:06
67 Bullet Ricochet Off Rock Surface 0:06
68 Bullet Ricochet Off Hard Surface 1 0:06
69 Bullet Ricochet Off Dirt 1 0:06
70 Bullet Ricochet Off Dirt 2 0:06
71 Bullet Ricochet Off Hard Surface 2 0:06
72 Bullet Ricochet Off Dirt 3 0:06
73 Bullet Ricochet Off Hard Surface 3 0:06
74 Explosion, Large - Oil or Gas Type, Distant Perspective 0:09
75 Explosion 1 - Medium Sized, Sharp 0:07
76 Explosion 2 - Medium Sized, Sharp, More Boomy Than Fx 75 0:06
77 Explosion 3 - Medium Sized, Boomy 0:06
78 Explosion 4 - Large, Sharp Crack With Falling Debris 0:08
79 Explosion 5 - Large, Sharp, Boomy Crack With Falling Debris 0:07
80 Firecracker Explosions 1 - Five Various Takes One Burst With No Fuse 0:17
81 Firecracker Explosions 2 - Five Various Takes One Burst With No Fuse 0:18
82 Firecracker Explosions 3 - Multiple 0:29
83 Roman Candle Bursts - Two Takes 0:07
84 Bottle Rocket 1 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst 0:06
85 Bottle Rocket 2 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst 0:06
86 Bottle Rocket 3 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst 0:07
87 Bottle Rocket 4 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst 0:06
88 Bottle Rocket 5 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst 0:06
89 Bottle Rocket 6 - Piccolo Whistle and Large Burst [Special mix] 0:09
90 Bottle Rocket 7 - Piccolo Whistle and Large Burst, Distant Perspective [Special mix] 0:08
91 Fourth of July Fireworks Demonstration With Crowd [Special mix] 0:55
Total time 11:53
10: Fights, Bodyfalls, Cracks, Whips
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Punch - Face Hit 1 - Sharp Impact 0:06
2 Punch - Face Hit 2 - Sharp Impact 0:06
3 Punch - Face Hit 3 - Sharp Impact 0:06
4 Punch - Face Hit 4 - Sharp Impact 0:06
5 Punch - Face Hit 5 - Sharp Impact 0:06
6 Punch - Face Hit 6 - Sharp Impact 0:06
7 Punch - Face Hit 7 - Sharp Impact 0:06
8 Punch - Body Hit 1 - With Thud 0:06
9 Punch - Body Hit 2 - With Thud 0:06
10 Punch - Body Hit 3 - With Sharp Thud 0:06
11 Punch - Body Hit 4 - With Sharp Thud 0:06
12 Punch - Body Hit 5 - With Thud 0:06
13 Kick - Body Hit 1 - With Sharp Thud 0:06
14 Kick - Body Hit 2 - With Thud 0:06
15 Kick - Body Hit 3 - With Thud 0:06
16 Kick - Body Hit 4 - With Thud 0:06
17 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 1 - Impact With Gush and Sword Turn 0:06
18 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 2 - Impact With Gush and Sword Turn 0:06
19 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 3 - With Short Gush Impact 0:06
20 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 4 - With Short Gush Impact 0:06
21 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 5 - With Very Short Almost Dry Impact 0:06
22 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 6 - With Short Gush Impact 0:06
23 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 7 - Short Gush Impact With Metal Hit 0:06
24 Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 8 -Short Gush Impact With Metal Hit 0:06
25 Single Sword Hit 1 - With Slight Ring Out 0:06
26 Single Sword Hit 2 - Higher Pitched Than Fx 25 With Ring Out 0:06
27 Single Sword Hit 3 - Higher Pitched Than Fx 26 With Ring Out 0:06
28 Single Sword Hit 4 - Same Pitch as Fx 27 With Ring Out 0:06
29 Single Dead Sword Hit - With No Ring Out 0:06
30 Double Sword Scrape 1 0:06
31 Double Sword Scrape 2 0:06
32 Double Sword Hits 0:06
33 Sword Shing 1 - Sword Edges Run Against Each Other 0:06
34 Sword Shing 2 - Sword Edges Run Against Each Other 0:06
35 Sword Shing 3 - Sword Edges Run Against Each Other 0:06
36 Sword Shing 4 - Sword Runs Against Each Other 0:06
37 Sword Twang 1 - Sword Plucked With Short Ring Out 0:06
38 Sword Twang 2 - Sword Plucked With Long Ring Out 0:14
39 Sword Twang 3 - Sword Plucked With Long Ring Out 0:09
40 Sword Twang 4 - Sword Plucked With Long Ring Out 0:07
41 Sword Battle - With Sword Hits Stab - Impact, Pained Yell, and Body Fall (Special mix) 0:11
42 Slap 1 0:06
43 Slap 2 0:06
44 Juicy Impact 1 0:06
45 Juicy Impact 2 0:06
46 Juicy Impact 3 0:06
47 Juicy Impact 4 0:06
48 Juicy Impact 5 0:06
49 Juicy Impact 6 0:06
50 Juicy Impact 7 0:06
51 Object Being Squashed 1 0:06
52 Object Being Squashed 2 0:06
53 Object Being Squashed 3 0:06
54 Object Being Dropped and Smashed on Hard Surface 0:06
55 Two Men Fight in Alley Way - Heavy Punches and Grunts, Glass Break (Special mix) 0:30
56 Body Falls Into Brush With Leaf Rustles 0:10
57 Three Various Body Falls Onto Carpeted Floor 0:09
58 Single Body Fall Onto Concrete 0:06
59 Two Single Body Falls on Bed 0:07
60 Body Falls Onto Car Hood 0:06
61 Body Falls Off From Chair 0:06
62 Four Various Body Falls on Dirt 0:13
63 Two Single Body Falls on Gravel 0:07
64 Body Falls Into Debris 0:06
65 Two Single Foot Stomps or Body Falls Into Mud 0:07
66 Body Falls Onto Racket Ball Court, Reverberant 0:06
67 Body Falls Into Snow 0:06
68 Body Falls Into Water - With Splash 1 0:07
69 Body Falls Into Water - With Splash 2 0:06
70 Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 1 0:06
71 Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 2 - With Slight Flop 0:06
72 Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 3 - With Slight Flop 0:06
73 Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 4 - With Flop 0:06
74 Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 5 - With Flop 0:06
75 Bone Break 1 0:06
76 Bone Break 2 0:06
77 Bone Break 3 0:06
78 Bone Break 4 0:06
79 Bone Break 5 0:06
80 Bone Break 6 0:06
81 Two Single Knuckle Cracks 0:06
82 Tree Cracks and Splinters as It Falls - Heavy Leaf Rustles as It Is Falling and Hits the Ground With a Squeak 0:27
83 Small Piece of Wood Cracks as It Is Broken 0:06
84 Wooden Crate Is Ripped Open 0:06
85 Medium Piece of Wood Cracks as It Is Broken 0:06
86 Thin Wooden Door Is Kicked In 0:06
87 Bull Whip Crack 1 - With Swish 0:06
88 Bull Whip Crack 2 (single) 0:06
89 Bull Whip Cracks - Five in Rapid Succession 0:07
90 Bull Whip Crack 3 - Single With Swish 0:03
Total time 10:20
11: Crashes, Impacts, Swishes
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Crash 1 [Special mix] 0:06
2 Crash 2 [Special mix] 0:06
3 Crash 3 [Special mix] 0:06
4 Crash 4 [Special mix] 0:06
5 Crash 5 [Special mix] 0:06
6 Crash 6 [Special mix] 0:06
7 Crash 7 [Special mix] 0:06
8 Crash 8 [Special mix] 0:06
9 Crash 9 [Special mix] 0:06
10 Crash 10 [Special mix] 0:07
11 Crash 11 [Special mix] 0:06
12 Crash 12 [Special mix] 0:06
13 Crash 13 [Special mix] 0:06
14 Crash 14 [Special mix] 0:09
15 Crash 15 [Special mix] 0:09
16 Crash 16 [Special mix] 0:12
17 Car Crash - Peel Out, Hits Wall, Away 0:13
18 Car Fender Bang 0:06
19 Car Crash - Small Car 1 0:06
20 Car Crash - Small Car 2 0:06
21 Car Crash - Small Car 3 0:06
22 Car Hits & Drags Hot Dog Stand 0:17
23 Object Crashing Through Wood & Glass 0:11
24 Pottery Drop & Break 0:07
25 Bullet Impact Thru Glass With Debris 1 0:06
26 Bullet Impact Thru Glass With Debris 2 0:06
27 Bullet Impact Thru Glass With Debris 3 0:06
28 Glass Crash - With Small Swish 0:06
29 Glass Crash - Shatter & Drop 0:08
30 Wood & Glass Crash 0:06
31 Wood - Bullet Impact Into 0:06
32 Wood - Small Piece Is Crunched 0:06
33 Wood - Multiple Bullet Impacts Into 0:06
34 Wood - Break or Shatter 0:06
35 Wood - Large Crash 0:06
36 Wood - Impact With Debris Fall 0:06
37 Wood - Falls Onto Hard Surface 0:06
38 Wood - 1 Piece Falls Onto Others 1 0:06
39 Wood - 1 Piece Falls Onto Others 2 0:06
40 Wood - 1 Piece Falls Onto Others 3 0:06
41 Wood - Door, Medium Sized, Kicked In 0:06
42 Ax Impact Into Wood 1 0:06
43 Ax Impact Into Wood 2 0:06
44 Ax Impact Into Wood 3 0:06
45 Bullet Impact Into Dirt 0:06
46 Bullet Impact Into Metal - Hollow 1 0:06
47 Bullet Impact Into Metal - Hollow 2 0:06
48 Bullet Bounces Off Heavy Metal Plate 1 0:06
49 Bullet Bounces Off Heavy Metal Plate 2 0:06
50 Bullet Bounces Off Heavy Metal Plate 3 0:06
51 Bullet Impact Sweetener 1 - Tin Cup 0:06
52 Bullet Impact Sweetener 2 - Heavy Metal Obj 0:06
53 Bullet Impact Sweetener 3 - Into Wood 0:06
54 Bullet Impact Sweetener 4 - Into Flesh 0:06
55 Bullet Impact Sweetener 5 - Flesh or Dirt 0:06
56 Bullet Impact Sweetener 6 - Into Flesh 0:06
57 Bullet Impact Sweetener 7 - Into Dirt 0:06
58 Bullet Impact Sweetener 8 - Glass, Debris 0:06
59 Bullet Impact Sweetener 9 - Into Glass 0:06
60 Swish 1 - Single 0:06
61 Swish 2 - Single 0:06
62 Swish 3 - Single 0:06
63 Swish 4 - Single 0:06
64 Swish 5 - Single 0:06
65 Swish 6 - Single 0:06
66 Swish 7 - Single 0:06
67 Swish 8 - Single 0:06
68 Swish 9 - Single 0:06
69 Swish 10 - Electronic 0:06
70 Swish 11 - Double 0:06
71 Swish 12 - Single 0:06
72 Swish 13 - Single 0:06
73 Swish 14 - Single 0:06
74 Swish 15 - Single 0:06
75 Swish 16 - Double 0:06
76 Swish 17 - Multiple, Very Fast 0:06
77 Swish 18 - Multiple, Fast 0:06
78 Swish 19 - Multiple, Very Fast 0:06
79 Swish 20 - Multiple, Very Fast 0:06
80 Swish 21 - Electronic 0:06
81 Swish 22 - Multiple Electronic 0:06
82 Swish 23 - Single 0:06
83 Swish 24 - Single 0:06
84 Swish 25 - Single 0:06
85 Swish 26 - Single 0:06
86 Swish 27 - Double 0:06
87 Swish 28 - Single 0:06
88 Swish 29 - Single 0:06
89 Swish 30 - Single 0:06
90 Swish 31 - Electronic 0:06
91 Swish 32 - Electronic 0:04
Total time 9:44
12: Sports, Boats
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts With Natural Decay 1 0:06
2 Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts With Natural Decay 2 0:06
3 Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts With Natural Decay 3 0:06
4 Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts Without Decay 0:14
5 Sports - Aluminum Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 1 0:06
6 Sports - Aluminum Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 2 0:06
7 Sports - Aluminum Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 3 0:06
8 Sports - Four Aluminum Bat Impacts Without Decay - Baseball 0:09
9 Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 1 0:06
10 Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 2 0:06
11 Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 3 0:06
12 Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 4 0:06
13 Sports - Four Wooden Bat Impacts Without Decay 0:09
14 Sports - [Special mix] Five Various Wood and Aluminum Bats Hitting a Baseball 0:09
15 Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 1 - Baseball 0:06
16 Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 2 - Baseball 0:06
17 Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 3 - Baseball 0:06
18 Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 4 - Baseball 0:06
19 Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 5 - Baseball 0:06
20 Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 6 - Baseball 0:06
21 Sports - Person Shooting Baskets and Dribbling Basketball on Cement 1:30
22 Sports - Bowling Ball Retrieval Machine - Close Perspective 1:02
23 Sports - Bowling Alley Ambience - Very Active Pin Re-Set and Ball Retrieval Machines 0:34
24 Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 1 0:07
25 Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 2 0:09
26 Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 3 0:08
27 Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 4 0:08
28 Sports - Bowling Pins Are Knocked Down - Close Perspective 0:06
29 Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Into Gutter 0:07
30 Fishing Pole Reels in Line - Various 0:31
31 Golf Club Swing & Hit Ball - 3 Takes 0:08
32 Jogging in Snow - Crunchy Footsteps 0:27
33 Ping Pong Volley 1 - Bad Shot at Tail 0:34
34 Ping Pong Volley 2 0:26
35 Ping Pong Volley 3 0:13
36 Racquetball Serve - Hard Hit With Reverb 1 0:07
37 Racquetball Serve - Hard Hit With Reverb 2 0:06
38 Racquet Hits 1 on Court Wall 0:26
39 Racquet Hits 2 on Court Wall 0:26
40 Body Slam Into Racquetball Court Hall 1 0:06
41 Body Slam Into Racquetball Court Hall 2 0:06
42 Foot Stomps Hard on Racquetball Court 1 0:06
43 Foot Stomps Hard on Racquetball Court 2 0:07
44 Foot Stomps Hard on Racquetball Court 3 0:06
45 Sneaker Squeaks on Racquetball Court 1 0:09
46 Sneaker Squeaks on Racquetball Court 2 0:24
47 Racquetball Court Door Open and Close 0:08
48 Racquetball Volley With Court Reverb 1 0:21
49 Racquetball Volley With Court Reverb 2 0:13
50 Racquetball Racquet Swishes - Multiple 0:24
51 Ski Lift 1 - Constant Motor With Squeaking 1:43
52 Ski Lift 2 - Cable Constant With Squeaking 1:14
53 Ski Lift 3 - Ride Constant With Voices 1:09
54 Skiing 1 - On Rough Icy Snow With Stop 0:24
55 Skiing 2 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop 0:31
56 Skiing 3 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop 0:25
57 Skiing 4 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop 0:16
58 Skiing 5 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop 0:32
59 Ski Sliding Around in Snow 1 0:11
60 Ski Sliding Around in Snow 2 0:07
61 Ski Slides to a Stop in Snow 0:06
62 Skier Approaches, Jumps and Stops 0:15
63 Skier Approaches and Jumps 0:07
64 Skier Approaches and Falls Close Up 0:07
65 Ski Boots - Walking in Snow 0:24
66 Swimming 1 - Underwater 0:17
67 Swimming 2 - Awkward Splashing and Movement 0:43
68 Swimming 3 - Breast Stroke 0:54
69 Swimming 4 - Back Stroke 0:35
70 Swimming 5 - Doggie Paddle 0:34
71 Splash or Dive Into Water 1 0:06
72 Splash or Dive Into Water 2 0:07
73 Splash or Dive Into Water 3 0:08
74 Splash or Dive Into Water 4 0:06
75 Splash or Dive Into Water 5 0:08
76 Splash or Dive Into Water 6 0:08
77 Diving Board Bounce With Ring Off 0:07
78 Tennis Ball Machine - Steady 0:15
79 Tennis Ball Machine Shoots Out Ball 0:09
80 Tennis Shoe Squeaks on Court 0:10
81 Coast Guard Cutter Ship 1 - In and by - Boat 0:46
82 Coast Guard Cutter Ship 2 - Steady - Boat 0:46
83 Coast Guard Cutter Ship 3 - Steady - Boat 0:58
84 Power Yacht, Large - Steady - Boat 2:03
85 Bow Wash 1 - Large Boat, 40 ft. 3:18
86 Bow Wash 2 - Small Boat, 20 ft. 2:32
87 Bow Wash 3 - Ferry Boat Deck - Steady 2:25
88 Bow Wash 4 - Interior Perspective 0:26
89 Power Yacht 1 - Variable Steady - Boat 1:31
90 Power Yacht 2 - Idle Steady - Boat 1:30
91 Power Yacht 3 - Start, Idle, Accell - Boat 1:33
92 Power Yacht 4 - Cruise Steady - Boat 2:14
93 Power Yacht 5 - Away, Turn Back, by - Boat 1:44
94 Power Yacht 6 - Away, Turn Back, by - Boat 1:48
95 Ferry Boat 1 - Cruise Steady 1:20
96 Ferry Boat 2 - Cruise Steady 2:41
97 Ferry Boat Horn Blasts 0:11
Total time 51:26
13: Human Sounds
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Coughs, Close Male 0:14
2 Cough, Male 0:04
3 Wheezing Coughs, Male 0:06
4 Coughing Fit, Male 0:13
5 Laugh, Close Male 0:10
6 Silly Laugh, Male 0:06
7 Manic Laugh, Male 0:06
8 Laugh, Close Female 0:08
9 Giggling, Boy 0:23
10 Giggling, Children (Two) 0:10
11 Fat Man Laugh # 1: Evil 0:20
12 Fat Man Laugh # 2: Mischievous 0:06
13 'Devil' Laugh 0:18
14 Mischievous Laugh 0:05
15 Agatated Breathing, Close 0:29
16 Woman Crying, Reacting 'No!' 0:18
17 Woman Gasps # 1 0:04
18 Woman Gasps # 2 0:04
19 Fearful Gasps, Male 0:04
20 Choking Gasps, Male 0:13
21 Male Grunt # 1: Soft 0:04
22 Male Grunt # 2: W/Exhale 0:04
23 Male Grunt # 3: Punch Reaction 0:04
24 Male Grunt # 4: Punch Reaction 0:04
25 Male Grunt # 5: Punch Reaction 0:04
26 Male Grunt # 6: Punch Reaction 0:04
27 Male Grunt # 7: Punch Reaction 0:04
28 Male Grunt # 8: Punch Reaction 0:04
29 Male Grunt # 9: Punch Reaction 0:04
30 Male Grunt # 10: Punch Reaction 0:04
31 Male Grunt # 11: Punch Reaction 0:04
32 Male Grunt # 12: Punch Reaction 0:04
33 Male Grunt # 13: Punch Reaction 0:04
34 Gagged Woman Struggles to Yell 0:18
35 Woman Screams # 1: Close Single 0:04
36 Woman Screams # 2: Piercing 0:04
37 Woman Screams # 3: Short, Piercing 0:04
38 Woman Screams # 4: w/Gasp 0:04
39 Woman Screams # 5: Short Screech 0:04
40 Woman Screams # 6: Panic Shrieks 0:07
41 Woman Screams # 7: Three, Ext 0:09
42 Man Screams # 1: Short Yell 0:04
43 Man Screams # 2: Angry 0:05
44 Man Screams # 3: Gut-Wrenching W/Fall 0:07
45 Man Screams # 4: Gut-Wrenching W/Fall 0:07
46 Man Screams # 5: Insane Tantrum 0:09
47 Sexy Female Moans Ans Groans 0:53
48 Sigh, Male 0:05
49 Sighs, Four 0:11
50 Sneeze # 1: Short 'Choo!' 0:04
51 Sneeze # 2: Wet 0:04
52 Sniff # 1 0:04
53 Sniff # 2 0:04
54 Sniff # 3 0:04
55 Sniff # 4 0:04
56 Sniff # 5 0:04
57 Nose Blow, Comical, # 1 0:04
58 Nose Blow, Comical # 2 0:05
59 Snore # 1 1:14
60 Snore # 2 0:44
61 Snore # 3 1:05
62 Snorting, Obnoxious 0:15
63 Spitting, Male 0:06
64 Three Bites, Hard Crunchy Food 0:09
65 Six Crunchy Bites Into Chips 0:21
66 Six Bites, Raw Vegetables 0:17
67 Four Bites Into Corn 0:12
68 Bite and Chew Apple 0:39
69 Gross Eating, Male 1:54
70 Eating Cereal 0:53
71 Spoon Clinks and Bowl Scraping 0:22
72 Finger-Licking and Lip Smacks 0:26
73 Slurp # 1 0:04
74 Slurp # 2 0:04
75 Slurp # 3 0:04
76 Slurp # 4 0:05
77 Swallow # 1 0:04
78 Swallow # 2 0:04
79 Swallow # 3 0:04
80 Belch # 1 0:04
81 Belch # 2 0:04
82 Belch # 3 0:04
83 Belch # 4 0:04
84 Belch # 5 0:04
85 Belch # 6 0:04
86 Belch # 7 0:04
87 Belch # 8 0:05
88 Gagging Male, Dry Vomit 0:11
89 Fart # 1 0:04
90 Fart # 2 0:04
91 Fart # 3 0:04
92 Fart # 4 0:04
93 Fart # 5 0:04
94 Fart # 6 0:04
95 Fart # 7 0:04
96 Fart # 8 0:04
97 Fart # 9 0:04
98 Whistle, Fingers in Mouth 0:04
Total time 18:16
14: Crowds, Kids, Babies, Heartbeats
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Medium Interior Crowd (Intermission) - Busy Murmur, Some Pointed Lines, Occasional Footsteps By 1:52
2 Large Exterior Crowd - Idle Ambience or Grandstand - Busy Voices, Activity - Medium-Close to Distant Perspective 2:24
3 Small Interior Crowd - Applause of About 20 People - Close Perspective 0:42
4 Medium Exterior Crowd - Applause of About 30-40 People, With Cheers and Hoots 0:22
5 Medium Exterior Crowd - Applause of About 30-40 People, With Cheers and Hoots 2 - More Active Than Fx 4 0:17
6 Huge Interior Crowd (Auditorium) - Applause That Becomes Louder With Cheers, Yells and Whistles 0:30
7 Huge Interior Crowd - Applause, Begins With Laughs, Yells and Whistles (Reaction to a Joke Onstage) 0:20
8 Huge Interior Crowd - Applause, With Laughter and Cheers in a Large Auditorium, More Active Applause 0:23
9 Large Interior Crowd - Applause of About 50-100 People, With Cheers and Whistles 0:57
10 Large Interior Crowd (Auditorium) - Applause Only 0:37
11 Huge Interior Crowd - Applause Only, With Occasional Voices 0:22
12 Huge Interior Crowd - Applause and Busy Voices With One Cheer Surge - Very Active 0:24
13 Large Exterior Crowd - Applause, With Cheers, Hoots and Chants 0:48
14 Medium Exterior Crowd - Cheer and Yell Surge With Light Applause 0:14
15 Medium Exterior Crowd - Applause With Boos, Cheers and Yells - Close to Distant Perspective 0:27
16 Huge Exterior Crowd - Applause, With Boos, Cheers and Claps - Anticipatory Excitement 0:30
17 Medium Interior Crowd - Boos, Hisses and Very Few Light Claps 0:17
18 Medium Crowd Reacts Disappointed - Ooh! 0:08
19 Large Crowd Reacts Disappointed - Oohs and Boos! 0:10
20 Large Interior Audience Reactions - Laughing and Chuckling 0:06
21 Large Interior Audience Reactions - Laughing and Chuckling 2 - Heavier Reaction Than Fx 20 0:06
22 Large Interior Audience Reactions - Laughing - Heavier Reaction Than Fx 20 and 21 0:09
23 Audience Reactions - 100 Men Laugh With Some Claps - Interior Large Hall, Reverberant 0:11
24 Large Interior Crowd - Loud Murmur - Close to Distant Perspective 0:18
25 Crowd Reaction - 10 People in Shock - Ooh! 0:06
26 100 Men - Chant That Turns Into Cheers and Applause - Interior Large Hall, Reverberant 0:34
27 Small Group of Men Shout Angry Chant 0:17
28 Small Group (10) Of Young Kids Shouting and Cheering - Exterior 0:45
29 Medium Crowd of Adults Yell, Shout, Scream and Laugh 0:19
30 Large Group of Kids on Playground - Basketball With Cheers, Yells, Footsteps Running, Distant Traffic 2:15
31 Elementary School Kids in Hallway, Reverberant - Talking, Yelling, Sneaker Squeaks, Footsteps, Coin Drops 1:24
32 High School Hallway, Reverberant - Busy Voices, Footsteps by, Locker Opening and Closing a Couple of Times 3:00
33 Medium Teenage Crowd, Excited 1 - Busy Voices, (Party) - Close Perspective 2:58
34 Medium Teenage Crowd, Excited 2 - Busy Voices, (Rowdy Party) - Close Perspective 1:51
35 Two Young Kids Giggle 0:10
36 Small Group of Kids Laugh, Giggle 0:15
37 Medium Crowd of Adults Laugh, Some Footsteps, Close to Distant Perspective 0:33
38 Baby Playing, Short Breath 0:07
39 Baby Coo 0:24
40 Baby Crying Slowly 1:07
41 Baby Whining Short Cries, With Snorts 0:52
42 Baby Cries in Hospital Nursery 0:14
43 Newborn Babies Crying in Hospital Nursery 0:34
44 Baby Feeding, With Breathing and Grunts 0:49
45 Baby Moaning With Pleasure 0:13
46 Baby Laughs, Various, Short 0:17
47 Baby Laughs, Giggles and Sputters 0:37
48 Baby Gurgles 0:13
49 Baby Hiccups 0:06
50 Baby Vocals, With Spitting and Burrs 0:21
51 Baby Vocals (Playful) 1:04
52 Baby Sneezes 0:06
53 Baby Squeals, Excited, High-Pitched 0:17
54 Baby Sucking Pacifier 0:06
55 Baby Talking 0:06
56 Baby Whines and Cries, With Huffs and Puffs 0:17
57 Hospital Respirator 0:44
58 Air Pumps Into Arm Band (Blood Pressure Cuff), Then Releases 0:19
59 Electrocardiogram 0:32
60 Gurney Being Wheeled Down Interior Hallway 0:48
61 Hospital - Metal Food Cart Being Wheeled Down Hallway, With Various Rattles 0:40
62 Sheet Movement (Bed Being Made) 0:25
63 Hospital Pa Announcement - 'Doctor Forest, Dial 118 Please' 0:09
64 Hospital Pa Announcement - 'Doctor Cravitz, You Have a Visitor in the Main Lobby' 0:09
65 Hospital Nurses Station in Hallway - Voices Pointed Lines, Paper Shuffles, Movement, Pa Announcement 2:28
66 Heart Beat, Slow - 63 Beats Per Minute 3:03
67 Heart Beat, Medium - 80 Beats Per Minute 3:03
68 Heart Beat, Fast - 106 Beats Per Minute 3:03
69 Heart Beat, Very Fast - 158 Beats Per Minute 3:04
70 Heart Beat, Fluctuating 1:29
71 Card Shuffle 1 - Cards Being Shuffled 0:08
72 Card Shuffle 2 - Multiple Card Shuffle 0:33
73 Gambling Casino Background - Voices, Roulette Wheel, Chips Movement, Bells Ring, Close to Distant Perspective 0:56
74 Dealer Calls Out Dice Throws 0:44
75 Roulette Wheel Spinning, With Ball Dropping Into the Slot 0:15
76 Coins Dropping Out of Slot Machine 0:11
Total time 57:33
15: Interior Crowds and Ambiences
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Auditorium, Large Crowd, Busy Voices 2:45
2 Auditorium, Large Male Crowd Murmur 0:59
3 Bar, Large, 30 People Chatting 3:09
4 Bar, Large, 50 People Chatting 1:32
5 Bar, Large, 5 People Chatting 0:51
6 Convention, Large Crowd, Busy Murmur 1:04
7 Courtroom, Large Crowd Murmur 2:18
8 Church, Large Crowd, Quiet Murmur 1:59
9 Dept Store, Medium Crowd, Busy Milling 2:53
10 Dept Store, Medium Crowd, Light Milling 2:41
11 Outdoor Market, Med Crowd, Busy Milling 2:24
12 Grocery Store, Light Activity 2:56
13 Intermission, Young Adults, Busy Chatter 3:04
14 Shopping Mall, Interior, General Activity 2:26
15 Large Older Office, Busy Activity 3:09
16 Large Modern Office, Light Activity 1:11
17 Cocktail Party, 50 People Chatting 1:01
18 Cocktail Party, 25 People Chatting 1:01
19 Large Rowdy Teen Crowd, Exterior 2:46
20 Police Station, Busy Activity 1:50
21 Police Station, Light Activity 2:20
22 Police Radio, Female Dispatcher 2:03
23 Prison Block Interior, Large Male Crowd Voices 1:13
24 Prison Visiting Area, Large Crowd With Babies 2:14
25 Prison Mess Hall, Large Crowd, Busy 1:56
26 Coffee Shop Large, Busy 3:48
27 Restaurant Large, Large Crowd, Busy 1:31
28 Fast Food Restaurant, Large Crowd, Busy 2:26
29 French Restaurant, Medium Crowd 2:29
30 Swiss Restaurant, Medium Crowd 1:51
31 Riot Crowd Yelling, Exterior 1:15
32 Women's Dressing Room 0:36
33 Mexican Megaphone 0:26
Total time 66:04
16: Household
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Ice Clinks in Glass # 1: No Liquid 0:04
2 Ice Clinks in Glass # 2: No Liquid 0:05
3 Ice Clinks in Glass # 3: No Liquid 0:05
4 Ice Clinks in Glass # 4: No Liquid 0:05
5 Ice Clinks in Glass # 5: No Liquid 0:05
6 Ice Clinks in Glass # 6: No Liquid 0:06
7 Ice Clinks in Glass # 7: No Liquid 0:05
8 Ice Clinks in Glass # 8: No Liquid 0:06
9 Ice Clinks in Glass # 9: No Liquid 0:06
10 Ice Clinks in Glass # 10: No Liquid 0:06
11 Ice Dropping Into Glass With Liquid 0:13
12 Ice Swirling in Glass Full of Liquid 0:22
13 Ice Drop in Glass, Soda Can Open & Pour 0:21
14 Soda Can Open # 1: W/Carbonation Fizz 0:11
15 Soda Can Open # 2: W/Carbonation Fizz 0:09
16 Soda Fizz 0:05
17 Soda Pour Into Empty Glass # 1: W/Fizz 0:21
18 Soda Pour Into Empty Glass # 2: W/Fizz 0:11
19 Soda Pour Into Glass of Ice W/Fizz 0:18
20 Soda Pour Into Glass W/Glugs & Fizz # 1 0:18
21 Ice Into Glass, Then Soda Pour W/Glugs 0:15
22 Soda Pour Into Glass W/Glugs & Fizz # 2 0:09
23 Liquid Pour Into Glass of Ice # 1 0:14
24 Liquid Pour Into Glass of Ice # 2 0:12
25 Liquid Pour Into Glass of Ice & Swirl 0:11
26 Crystal Glasses Clink # 1 0:07
27 Crystal Glasses Clink # 2 0:07
28 Crystal Glasses Clink # 3 0:07
29 Crystal Glasses Clink # 4 0:08
30 Crystal Glasses Double Clinks # 1 0:06
31 Crystal Glasses Double Clinks # 2 0:08
32 Crystal Glasses Clink # 5, Muted 0:04
33 Match Strike & Ignite # 1 0:13
34 Match Strike & Ignite # 2 0:08
35 Match Strike & Ignite # 3 0:06
36 Coins Poured Onto Hard Surface 0:08
37 Coin Drop Onto Hard Surface 0:21
38 Cartoon Boing, Jews Harp # 1 0:06
39 Cartoon Boing, Jews Harp # 2 0:06
40 Whistles, Short, Multiple 0:13
41 Zipper # 1 0:05
42 Zipper # 2 0:04
43 Zipper # 3 0:05
44 Zipper # 4 0:05
45 Zipper # 5 0:05
46 Zipper # 6 0:05
47 Zipper # 7 0:05
48 Briefcase Open & Close W/Latch 0:20
49 Balloon Inflating, Small 0:09
50 Balloon Inflating, Large 0:07
51 Balloon Deflating, Small 0:16
52 Blow Dryer on High, Dry Hair, Off 1:09
53 Blow Dryer on Medium, Dry Hair, Off 1:44
54 Blow Dryer on Low, Dry Hair, Off 0:51
55 Electric Shaver # 1, on, Shave, Off 1:06
56 Electric Shaver # 2, Ons/Offs 0:08
57 Electric Shaver # 3, on, Shave, Off 0:18
58 Electric Shaver # 4, Turn on & Dies 0:10
59 Electric Toaster # 1: Down/Up 0:06
60 Electric Toaster # 2: Down/Pop Up 0:32
61 Refrigerator Door Open/Close 0:07
62 Refrigerator Motor on, Steady, Off 0:44
63 Garbage Disposal # 1: Ons/Offs, Dry 0:07
64 Garbage Disposal # 2: On/Off W/Water 0:40
65 Dishwasher on, Run, Off 2:58
66 Gas Stove on, Ignite, Off 0:17
67 Water Cooler Glubs 0:18
68 Electric Fan # 1: On/Off 1:15
69 Electric Fan # 1: On/Off W/Oscillation 0:54
70 Heating Pipes Clanging in House 1:23
71 Xerox Copier Reproduces Document 0:32
72 Fax Machine Recieving Document 1:10
73 Toilet Flush # 1: Modern Type 0:16
74 Toilet Flush # 2: Old Type 0:14
75 Toilet Flush # 3: Old Type 1:19
76 Toilet Flush # 4: Public 0:17
77 Toilet Flush # 5: Urinal 0:17
78 Water Going Down Drain # 1 0:12
79 Water Going Down Drain # 2 0:18
80 Shower Running # 1: Gym Shower Room 0:33
81 Shower Running # 2: Lightly 1:38
82 Shower Running # 3: Lightly 1:40
83 Shower Running # 4: Hard, W/Turn Off 0:32
84 Shower Running # 5: Hard, Then Light 1:24
85 Garbage Disposal # 3: Run Water, on/Off 0:36
86 Full Sink Draining 0:31
87 Sink Faucet # 1: On/Off 0:32
88 Sink Faucet # 2: On, Fill, Off 1:12
89 French Fries Drop/Fry in Hot Grease 0:38
90 Hamburgers Fry on Grill 0:36
Total time 37:10
17: Telephones, Cameras, Clocks
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Phone Rings - Electronic Pulses, Loud 0:26
2 Phone Rings - Electronic Pulses, Soft 0:29
3 Phone Rings - Dual Tone, 'Princess' 0:29
4 Phone Rings - Wireless With Rapid Beeps 0:19
5 Phone Rings - Cricket-Like Pulses 0:30
6 Phone Rings - Bell-Type 1; Standard 0:32
7 Phone Rings - Bell-Type 2; Muted 0:30
8 Phone Rings - Bell-Type 3; Trimline 0:28
9 Phone Rings - Bell-Type 4; Standard 0:32
10 Phone Rings - Old Style Bell-Type 1 0:29
11 Phone Rings - Old Style Bell-Type 2 0:38
12 Phone Rings - Foreign Bell-Type 1 0:29
13 Phone Rings - Foreign Bell-Type 2 0:33
14 Phone Rings - Bell-Type Desk Phone 1 0:17
15 Phone Rings - Bell-Type Desk Phone 2 0:37
16 Phone Rings - Bell-Type Pay Phone 0:15
17 Phone Rings - Antique Bell-Type 1 0:35
18 Phone Rings - Antique Bell-Type 2 0:16
19 Phone Rings - Antique Bell-Type 3 0:12
20 Futzed Bell-Type Phone Ring 1 0:35
21 Futzed Bell-Type Phone Ring 2 0:34
22 Futzed Foreign Phone Ring 0:20
23 Futzed Dial Tone 0:11
24 Futzed Busy Signal 1 0:30
25 Futzed Busy Signal 2 0:15
26 Futzed Phone Off Hook Signal 0:23
27 Futzed Operator Message 1 0:11
28 Futzed Operator Message 2 0:10
29 Futzed Operator Message 3 0:11
30 Futzed Operator Message 4 0:18
31 Rotary Phone Dial '1' 0:06
32 Rotary Phone Dial '2' 0:06
33 Rotary Phone Dial '3' 0:06
34 Rotary Phone Dial '4' 0:06
35 Rotary Phone Dial '5' 0:06
36 Rotary Phone Dial '6' 0:06
37 Rotary Phone Dial '7' 0:06
38 Rotary Phone Dial '8' 0:06
39 Rotary Phone Dial '9' 0:06
40 Rotary Phone Dial '0' 0:06
41 Rotary Phone - Dialing Number, Version 1 0:19
42 Rotary Phone - Dialing Number, Version 2 0:16
43 Rotary Pay Phone - Dialing Number 0:24
44 Futzed Rotary Phone - Dial With Pick-Up 0:12
45 Push Button Phone Dial 0:08
46 Futzed Dial Tone With Push Button Dial 0:11
47 Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 1 0:06
48 Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 2 0:06
49 Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 3 0:06
50 Pay Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 1 0:06
51 Pay Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 2 0:06
52 Futzed Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 0:06
53 Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 1 0:06
54 Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 2 0:06
55 Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 3 0:06
56 Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 4 0:06
57 Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 1 0:06
58 Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 2 0:06
59 Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 3 0:06
60 Phone Receiver - Hang-Up With Bell Ring 0:06
61 Phone Receiver - Slams Down 0:06
62 Pay Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 1 0:06
63 Pay Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 2 0:06
64 Pay Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 3 0:06
65 Coin Drop Into Slot in Pay Phone 0:06
66 Coin Drop Into Pay Phone Coin Return 0:06
67 Coin Remove From Pay Phone Coin Return 0:06
68 Coin Return Empty Slot Movement 0:06
69 Phone Dropped on Carpented Surface 0:06
70 Old Camera Shutter Clicks & Winds 1 0:09
71 Old Camera Shutter Clicks & Winds 2 0:09
72 Flash Bulb, Instamatic - Click, Sizzle - Camera 0:06
73 Flash Bulb, Small - Click, Sizzle - Camera 0:06
74 Flash Bulb, Large - Pops With Crackle - Camera 0:06
75 2 Flash Bulbs, Large - Pops With Crackle - Camera 0:06
76 2 Flash Bulbs, Large - Glassy Crack & Sizzle - Camera 0:06
77 Flash Bulb, Large - Glassy Crack & Sizzle - Camera 0:06
78 Flash Bulb, Very Large - Crack & Sizzle - Camera 0:06
79 Flash Bulb, Small - Eject, Shatter - Camera 0:06
80 Shutter Clicks With Advance, Hasselblad - Camera 0:06
81 Shutter Clicks & Wind, Instamatic - Camera 0:06
82 8mm Newsreel Camera - On, Run, Off 0:22
83 Polaroid Camera Ejecting Picture 0:06
84 16mm Projector - Start, Steady, Off 0:47
85 35mm Projector - Start, Steady, Off 0:32
86 35mm Slide Projector Slide Clicks 0:28
87 35mm Still Camera - Click & Wind 1 0:06
88 35mm Still Camera - Click & Wind 2 0:06
89 35mm Still Camera - Click & Wind 3 0:06
90 35mm Still Camera - Multiple Shots 1 0:11
91 35mm Still Camera - Multiple Shots 2 0:13
92 Antique Timer Clicks 1:51
93 Antique Wind-Up Wall Clock Ticks 2:05
94 Cuckoo Clock Strikes Nine O'Clock 0:15
95 Desk Top Clock Ticks 2:03
96 Egg Timer - Rapid Clicks 0:32
97 Mantle Clock - Slow Ticks 1 1:56
98 Mantle Clock - Slow Ticks 2 2:02
99 Wind-Up Alarm Clock Ticks 2:00
Total time 34:04
18: Doors, Squeaks, Creaks
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Door, Wood 1 - Open/Close With Latch 0:06
2 Door, Wood 2 - Open/Close With Latch 0:06
3 Door, Wood 3 - Open/Slam With Latch 0:06
4 Door, Wood 4 - Open/Close With Squeak 0:08
5 Door, Wood 5 - Open/Close With Squeak/Bounce 0:08
6 Door, Wood 6 - Open/Slam 0:06
7 Door, Wood 7 - Open/Close 0:06
8 Door, Wood 8 - Open/Close 0:06
9 Door, Wood 9 - Open/Slam 0:06
10 Door, Small - Wood - Open/Slam 0:06
11 Door, Heavy - Wood - Open/Close With Spring Creak 0:10
12 Door, Half Glass/Wood 1 - Open With Creak 0:06
13 Door, Half Glass/Wood 2 - Open/Close 0:07
14 Door, Half Glass/Wood 3 - Open/Close Long 0:08
15 Door, Half Glass/Wood 4 - Open/Close Short 0:06
16 Door, Half Glass/Wood 5 - Open/Close With Rattle 0:10
17 Door, Screen - Open/Slam With Rattle 0:08
18 Door, Heavy Screen - Open/Close With Rattle 0:11
19 Door, Heavy Screen - Open/Close With Creaky Spring 0:08
20 Door, Light Screen - Open/Close With Squeak 0:10
21 Door, Wood Cabinet - Close With Bounce 1 0:06
22 Door, Wood Cabinet - Close, No Bounce 2 0:06
23 Door, Wood Cabinet - Close With Bounce 3 0:06
24 Drawer, Wood - Slide Open/Close 0:06
25 Drawer, Silverware, Full - Slide Open/Close 0:06
26 Door, Shower - Slide Open/Close 0:10
27 Door, Trailer - Open/Close 0:07
28 Door, Trailer - Slam With Bounce 1 0:06
29 Door, Trailer - Slam With Bounce 2 0:06
30 Door Knob Jiggle 0:17
31 Metal Latch Clicks 1 0:06
32 Metal Latch Clicks 2 0:09
33 Metal Latch Clicks 3 0:06
34 Metal Latch Clicks 4 0:06
35 Door - Locker - Open/Close With Bangs/Rattles 0:30
36 Door, Metal - Open/Slam 0:08
37 Door, Metal - Open/Close 0:06
38 Door, Freezer - Open/Close With Metal Latch 0:06
39 Door, Old Freezer - Open/Close With Metal Latch 0:08
40 Door, Walk-In Freezer - Open/Close With Latch 0:07
41 Door, Metal - Close With Rattle 0:06
42 Door, Pneumatic Mechanism - Hiss 1 0:06
43 Door, Pneumatic Mechanism - Hiss 2 0:06
44 Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 1 0:06
45 Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 2 0:06
46 Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 3 0:06
47 Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 4 0:06
48 Door, Push Bar - Open/Close, Reverb 5 0:10
49 Door, Metal Safe - Close With Latch 0:06
50 Door, Small, Heavy Metal - Open With Squeak 0:06
51 Door, Metal - Open & Slam, Reverberant 0:14
52 Door, Big, Wood - Roll Close 0:08
53 Door, Prison Cell - Roll Close 0:07
54 Door, Industrial - Electric - Close 0:15
55 Door, Warehouse - Roll Close 1 0:15
56 Door, Warehouse - Roll Close 2 0:13
57 Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 1 0:32
58 Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 2 0:16
59 Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 3 0:21
60 Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Buzzer 4 0:12
61 Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 5 0:27
62 Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Buzzer 6 0:13
63 Doors, Freight Elevator, 2 1:06
64 Doors, Warehouse Elevator, 2 0:35
65 Gate, Metal - Roll Close 1 0:06
66 Gate, Metal - Roll Close 2 0:06
67 Gate, Metal - Roll Close 3 0:06
68 Gate, Old Type Elevator - Open & Close 0:21
69 Gate, Old, Metal, Manual - Roll Open & Close 0:24
70 Clicks - Servo Switch - Elevator Shaft 2:34
71 Creaks - Wooden Bed 0:53
72 Creaks - Slow Rocking, Wooden Boat 0:39
73 Creaks - Slow Rocking, Metal Boat 0:42
74 Creaks - Rope & Metal, Slow Rocking Boat 1:03
75 Creaks - Slow Wood Gate Open & Close 0:15
76 Creaks - Hinges on Secretary Desk 0:42
77 Creaks - Hinges on Closet Door 0:56
78 Squeaks - Metal Screen Door 1 0:06
79 Squeaks - Metal Screen Door 2 0:07
80 Creaks - Wooden Floor 1 0:19
81 Creaks - Wooden Floor 2 0:28
82 Creaks - Wooden Floor 3 0:21
83 Creaks - Metal Door Open & Close 0:22
84 Squeaks - Small Metal Hinge 0:11
85 Squeaks - High-Pitched Metal 1 0:07
86 Squeaks - High-Pitched Metal 2 0:17
87 Creak - Thick Rope Stretch or Twist 0:12
88 Creaks - Wood Rocking Chair 0:27
89 Squeaks - Heavy Wood Window Sliding 0:23
90 Creaks - Ice, With Reverb 0:07
Total time 23:29
19: Beeps, Bells, Buzzers, Rumbles, Tools
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Electronic Beeps - Mid-Range 0:09
2 Electronic Beep - High-Pitched 0:06
3 Electronic Beeps - Computer 0:06
4 Beep - Phone Machine 0:06
5 Beeps - Steady Telemetry 0:32
6 Beeps - Watch Alarm 0:10
7 Bell Ring - Bicycle 0:12
8 Bell Ring - Boxing 1 0:06
9 Bell Ring - Boxing 2 0:07
10 Bell Tower - Single Low-Pitched Bells 0:32
11 Bell Tower - 3 Low-Pitched Bells 0:28
12 Bell Tower - 5 Medium-Pitched Bell Tolls Slow 0:40
13 Bells - Church - 9 Tolls 0:36
14 Bell Tower - Chimes - Funeral Song 0:50
15 Bell Tower - Classic Church Bells 1:00
16 Bell Tower - Fast Traditional Melody 1:04
17 Bell Tower - Fast Celebration Song 0:40
18 Bell - Department Store Pager 0:14
19 Desk Bell Ring 1 0:08
20 Desk Bell Ring 2 0:08
21 Doorbell - High-Pitched 1x 0:06
22 Doorbell - High-Pitched 2x 0:06
23 Doorbell - Low-Pitched 1x 0:08
24 Doorbell - Low-Pitched 2x 0:08
25 Brass Bells Jing-A-Ling 0:06
26 Brass Chimes Jing-A-Ling 0:06
27 Bells on Door 0:07
28 Bell Ding - Elevator 1 0:06
29 Bell Ding - Elevator 2 0:06
30 Bell Clang - Antique Fire Engine 0:37
31 School Bell - Short Interior 0:07
32 School Bell - Long Interior 0:12
33 School Bell - Short Exterior 0:12
34 School Bell - Long Exterior 0:16
35 Bell Dings - Ship 0:15
36 Bell Ding - Egg Timer 0:20
37 Bells Ring Train Crossing 1:02
38 Wind Chimes - Metal 0:13
39 Wind Chimes - Glass 1:39
40 Wind Chimes - Pentatonic 0:48
41 Buzzer - Industrial Door 0:14
42 Buzzer - Apartment Door 0:16
43 Buzzer - Single Electric 0:08
44 Buzzer - Industrial Warning 0:14
45 Buzzer - 'Space Alarm' Warning 0:31
46 Rumble 1 - Low Frequency 0:51
47 Rumble 2 - Low Frequency 2:03
48 Rumble 3 - Underwater 2:23
49 Rumble 4 - Avalanche 1:57
50 Whirr - Air Tool Ratchet 0:24
51 Whirr - Air Tool Wrench 1 0:17
52 Whirr - Air Tool Wrench 2 0:17
53 Drill - Electric 0:31
54 Dril - Air 0:55
55 Grinder - Metal 0:42
56 Grinder - Industrial 0:18
57 Chisel - Air 0:35
58 Hammer 1 0:49
59 Hammer 2 0:18
60 Sander - Air 0:30
61 Saw - Hand-Held 1 0:21
62 Saw - Hand-Held 2 0:38
63 Saw - Power 0:26
64 Saw - Industrial 0:12
65 Saw - Electric 1:14
66 Saw - Large Industrial - Motor on & Off 0:19
67 Saw - Large Industrial - Cuts Wood 0:13
68 Chainsaw - Close 1:23
69 Blow Torch - Acetylene 1:44
70 Shovelling Dirt on Asphalt 0:39
71 Assembly Line Ambience 1:42
72 Bulldozer Maneuvers 1:17
73 Construction Site Ambience 1 1:17
74 Construction Site Ambience 2 1:04
75 Construction Site Ambience 3 2:24
76 Chainsaw - Construction Site Amb 4 0:25
77 Saw Mill Ambience 1:15
78 Bulldozer Crane - Maneuvers 0:56
79 Crane - Gear Shifts 0:35
80 Dump Truck Unloads Coal 0:15
81 Mulcher - Grinding Machine 1:03
82 Jackhammer 1 0:27
83 Jackhammer 2 1:37
84 Pile Driver 1 0:52
85 Pile Driver 2 1:53
86 Wood Shop Ambience 0:47
Total time 53:46
20: Electronic, Sci-Fi
#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Electricity Arc 1 0:26
2 Electricity Arc 2 1:00
3 Electricity Arc 3 0:30
4 Electrical High Voltage Sizzle 0:33
5 Electrical Zaps & Arcs - 4 Varied 0:13
6 Buzz - Neon Light Transformer 0:17
7 Electrical Sparking 0:13
8 Buzzes - Multi-Pitched Oscillations 0:42
9 Gong - Scrape With Reverb & Ring-Out 0:39
10 Electrical Hum With Buzz 0:08
11 Machine Hum - Very Low Frequency 0:21
12 Industrial Plant Ambience 0:19
13 Synthesized Jungle Bg 0:48
14 Laser 1 - 9 Blasts 0:27
15 Laser 2 - Long Oscillating Blast 0:23
16 Laser 3 - High-Pitched Oscillation 1:05
17 Laser 4 - Medium-Pitched Blast 0:20
18 Buzz 1 - Multi-Pitched Oscillation 0:11
19 Buzz 2 - Multi-Pitched Oscillation 0:16
20 Synth Radio 1 - White Noise 0:24
21 Synth Radio 2 - Tuning 0:13
22 Servo Motor 1 - Varied Switching & Speeds 1:24
23 Servo Motor 2 - On, Off - Varied Speeds 0:27
24 Servo Motor 3 - On, Off With Motor Whine 0:10
25 Servo Motor 4 - Fluctuating Speeds 0:11
26 Servo Motor 5 - Quick on, Off 0:06
27 Rising Multi-Pitched Soundwave 1 0:25
28 Rising Multi-Pitched Soundwave 2 0:09
29 Rising Multi-Pitched Soundwave 3 0:13
30 Rising Soundwaves - 4 Varied 0:17
31 Descending Soundwaves - 2 Varied 0:08
32 Synth Tone - Flanging 0:09
33 Synth Door Open With Squeak 0:06
34 Synth - Fast Sequence 0:19
35 Synth - Eerie Rise & Fall 0:11
36 Synth - Whoosh Sweetener 0:07
37 Synth - Bubbling & Rising 0:11
38 Oscillating Tones Rise & Fall 1 0:13
39 Oscillating Tones Rise & Fall 2 0:51
40 Low Frequency Oscillating Tone 0:15
41 Low Frequency Synth Hum With Force Field 0:24
42 Low Frequency Pulsating Tone - Varied 0:19
43 Synth Tone - Eerie, Slow, Fluctuating 0:32
44 Synth Comet Whoosh By 0:06
45 Flanged Whoosh 0:06
46 Flanged Oscillating Tones 0:09
47 Processed Air Release 1 0:06
48 Processed Air Release 2 0:06
49 Synth - Rising Multi-Pitched Tone 0:06
50 Synth - Rise & Fall, Multi-Pitch Tone 0:06
51 Synth - Gun Ricochet 1, Multi-Pitched 0:06
52 Synth - Gun Ricochet 2, Multi-Pitched 0:06
53 Synth - High-Pitched Tone by With Echo 0:06
54 Synth Energy Zaps 1 - Tonal With Delay 0:06
55 Synth Energy Zaps 2 - Tonal With Delay 0:06
56 Synth Energy Zaps 3 - Multiple Bursts 0:06
57 Synth Energy Zaps 4 - Multiple Bursts 0:06
58 Synth Energy Zaps 5 - Single Burst 0:06
59 Synth Energy Zaps 6 - Single Burst 0:06
60 Synth Energy Zaps 7 - Double Burst 0:06
61 Synth Energy Zaps 8 - Triple Burst 0:06
62 Synth Energy Zaps 9 - Short Burst 0:06
63 Synth Energy Zaps 10 - 4 Short Bursts 0:06
64 Synth Energy Zaps 11 - Descending Burst 0:06
65 Synth Energy Zaps 12 - Air Whoosh Burst 0:06
66 Synth Gun Shot & Ricochet 0:06
67 Synth Zap & Whoosh W/Decay 0:09
68 Synth Martian Voice 0:13
69 Synth Bug Fly by's 0:08
70 Synth Spaceship by 1 - Fast, R to L 0:06
71 Synth Spaceship by 2 - Long, R to L 0:06
72 Synth Spaceship by 3 - Fast, L to R 0:06
73 Synth Spaceship Approach, in & By 1 0:06
74 Synth Spaceship Approach, in & By 2 0:06
75 Reverse Ricochet 1 0:06
76 Reverse Ricochet 2 0:06
77 Reverse Ricochet 3 0:06
78 Reverse Ricochet 4 - 2x Descending 0:09
79 Synth Gusts - Eerie, Low Frequency 0:06
80 Synth Whoosh - Fast, Low Frequency 0:06
81 Synth Laser Burst - Descending 0:06
82 Oscillating Tones & Bells 0:34
83 Spinning High Frequency Tone 0:31
84 Processed Bull Growls 0:38
85 Processed Werewolf Growls 0:09
86 Processed Dog Growls - Vicious 0:28
87 Processed Bull Growls - Short 0:07
88 Synth Alien Breathing 1:59
89 Synth Alien Screams 1 2:32
90 Synth Alien Screams 2 0:28
91 Synth Helicopter Blade Malfunction 0:27
92 Synth Bubbles - Very Active 0:29
93 Metallic Moans - Reverberant 1:44
94 Synth Motor - Fast Oscillations 0:20
95 Synth Tone - Low Frequency, Pulsing 0:38
96 Synth Spaceship Interior 1 0:45
97 Synth Spaceship Interior 2 0:57
98 Synth Submarine Interior 0:43
Total time 34:09

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