Artists • DARKR

Artist with the following albums: "His Royal Darkness", "", ""

Darkraver & Ruthless
Artist with "Pussy Lounge" album

Artist with the following albums: "Massive Retaliation", "Unbeliever"

Artist with the following albums: "A Curious Excavation", "Carpetworld", "Fallout One", etc...

Darkroom Familia
Artist with the following albums: "North Pole 2", "Homecide Kings", "From The Barrio With Love", etc...

Darkroom Familia Presents
Artist with the following albums: "From The Barrio With Hate", "North Pole 2009"

Darkroom Productions
Artist with the following albums: "Hamsterdam Vol. 2 Stash to Da Strip", "Hamsterdam 2 Stash to the Strip (Disc 2)", "Hamsterdam"

Artist with "Loyola Mary-Go-Round U" album