Artists • WAE

Artist with "Berg_ Wozzeck (Disc 2 of 2)" album

Waed Bouhassoun
Artist with "La Voix de l'Amour" album

Waeel Kfoury
Artist with "Ma Aderet" album

Wael Jassar
Artist with the following albums: "Sahret Tarab (1)", "Allah Ykhalihom", "...mshit khalas", etc...

Wael K(a)foury
Artist with "The Best of / Ajmal al-Aghani" album

Wael Kafoury
Artist with "Shafouha Wa'Saroo Ye'Golou" album

Wael Kfoury
Artist with the following albums: "Rayeh 3al Jaych", "Mayyit Fike", "Wael", etc...

Waen Thitima
Artist with "Waen Thitima - 20 Years of Memories" album

Waena Boyz
Artist with "Get Up and Dance" album