Black Seeds of Vengeance
death metal

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 0:44
2 Black Seeds Of Vengeance 3:36
3 Defiling The Gates Of Ishtar イシュタールの門 3:39
4 The Black Flame 黒い炎 3:22
5 Libation Unto The Shades Who Lur In The Shadows Of The Temple Of... 1:33
6 Masturbating The War God 5:42
7 Multitude Of Foes 無数の敵 2:10
8 Chapter For Transforming Into A Snake 蛇身 2:26
9 Nas Akbyu Khan She En Asbiu 死者への祈祷 4:17
10 To Dream Of Ur 廃墟へ 9:06
11 The Nameless City Of The Accursed 呪われた街 2:52
12 Khetti Satha Shensu ナイルの呪文 6:24
13 The Black Hand Of Seth 2:20
Total time 45:48