Deborah Riedel (soprano), Della Jones (mezzo), Michael Kraus (ba...
Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Zeisl - Requiem Ebraico - Jones-K...

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - An einem sonnigen Abend 3:57
2 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Versunken 6:33
3 1:56
4 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Vogellied 7:22
5 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Es ist Zeit 4:15
6 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Dachbodenkonzert in einer alten S... 7:14
7 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Der Garten 2:54
8 Waxman - The Song of Terezin - Finale, Die Furcht 5:29
9 Zeisl - Requiem Ebraico - Tov l'hodos ladonoy 3:08
10 2:11
11 Zeisl - Requiem Ebraico - Mah godlu maasecho, Adonoy 4:10
12 Zeisl - Requiem Ebraico - Tzadik katomor yifroch 8:03
13 Zeisl - Requiem Ebraico - L'hagid ki yoshor Adonoy 4:12
Total time 57:07