Mervyn Peake
Gormenghast Trilogy read by Rupert Degas Bk3 Titus Alone-4

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Titus was no longer in any mood for collaboration... 6:25
2 Titus, who was about to have risen to his feet... 5:29
3 Opening one eye as his body ached... 4:54
4 Something was emerging from the forgotten room. 5:58
5 While she was speaking, three major things took place. 6:24
6 Then, suddenly, like something released... 6:35
7 Titus was appalled at the scene. 5:45
8 Sure enough it was taking on a life of its own. 5:16
9 The dawn was now beginning to pick out the leaves... 4:45
10 Muzzlehatch turned his great hewn face to the sky. 4:15
11 Then a great hush came down upon the Black House... 4:45
12 Juno was motionless. 10:38
13 Hungry, weary, he made his solitary way... 5:04
Total time 71:05