Bach, Johann Sebastian


1999    Harpsichord Concertos / Triple Concerto BMW 1044
1999    The Cello Suites, Vol 1 (Anner Bylsma, 1979)
1999    Cantatas, Volume 10 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
1999    The Brandenburg Concertos (Balkan Chamber Orchestra of Sofia)
1999    Matthäus-Passion (Collegium Vocale Gent feat. conductor: Philippe Herreweghe)
1999    Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition
1999    Johannes-Passion, BWV 245 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
1999    Cantates BWV 82 - 49 - 58 (La Petite Bande)
1999    The Cello Suites, Vol 2 (Anner Bylsma, 1979)
1999    Matthäus-Passion (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
1999    Magnificat / Easter Oratorio (Taverner Consort & Players feat. conductor: Andrew Parrott)
1999    Organ Works, Volume 10
1999    Bach Cantatas (feat. baritone: Matthias Goerne)
1999    Six Suites for Solo Cello (Mischa Maisky)
1999    The Clavierübung Chorales (feat. organ: Christopher Herrick)
1999    Cantatas, Volume 11 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
1999    Orchestral Suites Nos. 2, 3 / Triple Concerto (The English Concert feat. conductor: Trevor Pinnock)
1999    6 Partitas (harpsichord: Scott Ross)
1999    Edition Bachakademie, Volume 70: Mass in B minor (Gächinger Kantorei & Bach Collegium Stuttgart feat. conductor: Helmuth Rilling)
1999    Cantatas BWV 27-29
1999    Bach Arias (Magdalena Kožená, Marek Stryncl, Musica Florea)
1999    Bach für Bücherfreunde: Musik für belesene Momente
1999    Sonatas & Partitas for Solo Violin (violin: Yehudi Menuhin)
1999    Bach 2000 v10CD06 (Goldberg Variations)
1999    Edition Bachakademie, Volume 112: Goldberg Variations BWV 988
1999    ...per la viola da gamba... (Hille Perl)
1999    Suites for Violoncello solo, BWV 1007-1012 (Anner Bylsma)
1999    J. S. Bach: The Brook and the Wellspring (NPR Milestones of the Millennium)
1999    Six Cello-Suites for Guitar (Andreas von Wangenheim)
1999    Bach 2000, Volume 1: Geistliche Kantaten
2000    Complete Orchestral Works 3: Harpsichord Concertos I (Cologne Chamber Orchestra feat. conductor: Helmut Müller-Brühl)
2000    Edition Bachakademie, Volume 97: Leipzig Chorales BWV 651-667
2000    Violin Sonatas (feat. violin: Yehudi Menuhin, piano: Louis Kentner, harpsichord: Wanda Landowska)
2000    A Portrait of Bach
2000    Inventions & Sinfonias, BWV 772-801 (Evgeni Koroliov)
2000    Brandenburg Concertos (feat. conductor: Alfred Cortot)
2000    Cantatas, BWV 82, 83, 125, 200 (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    Bach Edition, Volume V: Cantatas, Volume II
2000    Goldberg Variations (feat. piano: Ito Ema)
2000    Das Orgelwerk auf Silbermannorgeln vol ii
2000    Brandenburg Concertos (Le Concert des Nations, La Capella Reial de Catalunya feat. conductor: Jordi Savall)
2000    Toccata et fugue / Chorals "Schübler" (feat. organ: Lionel Rogg)
2000    Christmas Cantatas (Aradia Ensemble, Kevin Mallon)
2000    Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 (Concentus Musicus Wien feat. conductor: Nikolaus Harnoncourt)
2000    Bach Edition, Volume IX: Cantatas, Volume IV
2000    Complete Orchestral Works 4: Harpsichord Concertos II (Cologne Chamber Orchestra feat. conductor: Helmut Müller-Brühl)
2000    Six Partitas BWV 825-830 (harpsichord: Trevor Pinnock)
2000    Das Orgelwerk auf Silbermann-Orgeln - Dom zu Freiberg - Hans Otto
2000    Trio Sonatas (The Purcell Quartett)
2000    Cantatas BWV 179, 199, 113 (Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    Lutheran Masses, Volume 2
2000    Unaccompanied Cello Suites Performed on Double Bass (Edgar Meyer)
2000    Die Kunst der Fuge (Delmé Quartet)
2000    Orchestersuiten BWV 1066 - 1069 (Camerata Academica & Sándor Végh)
2000    Reconstructed Violin Concertos (Bach-Collegium Stuttgart feat. conductor: Helmuth Rilling, violins: Isabelle Faust, Muriel Cantoreggi, Christoph Poppen)
2000    Bach Edition, Volume XVI: Chamber Music
2000    The Neumeister Chorales (feat. organ: Christopher Herrick)
2000    Bach as Teacher (Robert Hill)
2000    Goldberg Variations (feat. piano: Murray Perahia)
2000    Trio Sonatas (The Rare Fruits Council)
2000    Bach Edition, Volume 1: Orchestral Works & Concertos
2000    Variazioni Goldberg (Parnassi musici)
2000    Johann Sebastian Bach
2000    Bach in the Rain
2000    Les Concerts J. S. Bach au Temple de Lutry
2000    Cello Suites Nos. 1-6
2000    The Trio Sonatas (Joan Lippincott)
2000    Cantatas, Volume 2: Köln/Lüneburg (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    Bach Attributions (feat. organ: Christopher Herrick)
2000    Organ Works, Volume 12
2000    Les Quatre Ouvertures, Suites pour Orchestre
2000    Sonaten für Violine und Cembalo (feat. violin: Fabio Biondi, cembalo: Rinaldo Alessandrini)
2000    Essential Bach
2000    Double Concertos
2000    Cantatas: BWV 98, 139, 16 (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    Panorama
2000    Cantatas, Volume 13 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki)
2000    Kennedy plays Bach with the Berlin Philharmonic
2000    Brandenburg Concertos (Apollo's Fire feat. conductor: Jeannette Sorrell)
2000    Gamba Sonatas (feat. viola da gamba: Jaap ter Linden, harpsichord: Richard Egarr)
2000    Orchestral Suites BWV 1066-1069 (Oregon Bach Festival Chamber Orchestra feat. Helmuth Rilling)
2000    Bach's Adagios
2000    The French Suites (feat. harpsichord: Keith Jarrett)
2000    Bach Essentials (Pro Arte Orchestra feat. conductor: Kurt Redel)
2000    Violin Sonatas (violin: Andrew Manze, harpsichord: Richard Egarr, gamba: Jaap ter Linden)
2000    Cantatas for the 9th Sunday after Trinity (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    BBC Music, Volume 8, Number 5: Four Violin Sonatas, Toccata and Fugue, BWV 565 (feat. violin: Andrew Manze, harpsichord: Richard Egarr)
2000    Six Suites for Solo Cello
2000    Goldberg Variations (cond. Bernard Labadie)
2000    "Actus Tragicus" Kantaten BWV 4, 12, 106 & 196 (Cantus Cölln feat. conductor: Konrad Junghänel)
2000    Complete Lute Music (feat. guitar: Frederic Zigante)
2000    Le clavier tempéré, préludes et fugues, No. 1 à 8 (feat. piano: Glenn Gould)
2000    Cantatas for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany: BWV 72, 73, 111, 156 (The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists feat. conductor: John Eliot Gardiner)
2000    Sonatas & Partitas (Hopkinson Smith)
2000    Partitas Nos. 2 & 3 / Sonata No. 3 (feat. violin: Yehudi Menuhin)
2000    Concertos, Volume 1 (Bach Collegium Japan feat. conductor: Masaaki Suzuki, violin: Ryo Terakado)
2000    The Six Sonatas & Partitas for Solo Violin (James Ehnes)
2000    Goldberg Variations
2000    Bach: The Art of Fugue (piano: Evgeni Koroliov)
2000    6 Suites for Cello Solo (Matt Haimovitz)

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See the freedb index of albums of Bach, Johann Sebastian