Pictures at an Exhibition

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 Promenade 1:18
2 No 1. Gnomus 2:48
3 Promenade 1:02
4 No 2. The Old Castle (Il vecchio castello) 4:41
5 Promenade 0:27
6 No 3. Tuileries: Children quarrelling after play 1:01
7 No 4. Bydlo (A Polish Ox-cart) 2:52
8 Promenade 0:51
9 No 5. Ballet of the unhatched chicks 1:13
10 No 6. Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor (Samuel Goldenbu... 2:12
11 Promenade 1:20
12 No 7. Limoges, the market place 1:25
13 No 8. Catacombae: Sepulchrum Romanum 2:05
14 No 8. Catacombae: Sepulchrun Romanum - Con mortis in lingua mort... 2:14
15 No 9. Baba Yaga (The Hut on Fowl's Legs) 3:30
16 No 10. The Great Gate of Kiev 5:11
17 National Dance 4:20
18 Scena (The street wakens) 1:32
19 Minuet (The arrival of the guests) 3:14
20 Juliet As a Young Girl 3:42
21 Masks 2:38
22 Montagues and Capulets 4:23
23 Friar Lawrence 3:07
24 Mercutio 2:16
25 Dance of the girls with the lilies 3:42
26 Romeo and Juliet before parting 12:11
27 Toccata in D minor - Op 11 4:26
Total time 75:02