The Academy of Ancient Music - Christopher Hogwood
Handel Messiah - Choruses

#    Title    Time    Info  
1 And the glory of the Lord 3:02
2 And he shall purify 2:49
3 For unto us a child is born 4:21
4 There were shepperds.... Glory to God 3:27
5 His yoke is easy 2:38
6 Behold the Lamb of God 2:22
7 Surely he hath borne our griefs.... And with his stripes 3:51
8 All we like sheep have gone astray 4:12
9 And they that see him.... He trusted in God 3:05
10 Lift up your heads 3:21
11 Unto which of the angels.... Let all the angels of God 1:50
12 The Lord gave the word 1:19
13 Their sound is gone out 1:27
14 Why do the nations.... Let us break their bounds asunder 3:22
15 Hallelujah 3:53
16 Since by man came death 2:09
17 Then shall be brought to pass.... O Death, where is this thing? 11:07
18 Worthy is the Lamb..... Amen 7:22
Total time 58:02